Redefine Your Career!

Read and Redefine your career

Idea Behind the Blog!

“Don’t call us, we’ll call you”. The dreaded, much feared, and probably the last words any candidate would want to hear after an interview. If you’re fed up of scanning millions of job portals, going for innumerable interviews, and still have been shown the door by employers galore, then you sure have enough reason to get a career-strategy makeover as soon as possible. Here’s how you can help redefine your career !! BEST OF LUCK!!

Career Funda !!

Whether you’re new on the job scene, fresh out of college, or even an old-timer who wants to boost your career, you can find the best and most practical advice on this site. You are provided with handy tips that can help promote your career. It also ensures you get freedom in making a decision to select a job you will absolutely love to do!

Tips to better your technical resume

One of the major key elements for conducting a successful job search is the resume. However, a technical resume can generally be a difficult document to develop. The technical resume is the job seeker’s primary document for marketing one’s self. It will encompass levels of education, hands-on experience, areas of expertise, and relevant skills.

An effective resume should grab the reader’s attention immediately, within the span of 35 to 45 seconds. A proper technical resume would extend that attention period to around 60 seconds. Successful resumes prompt the reader to contact the job seeker. Consequently, a successful job search revolves around the resume’s effectiveness.

No one is aware of your experience and background better than you. The majority of engineers and technical graduates can adequately articulate their experiences, though putting it down on paper may be another story. Many technical graduates who do write their own resumes find it difficult to sell them to a potential employer. Here are some tips for preparing an effective resume.

Have the finest organizational format selected

Most resumes are composed in chronological format. However, that does not mean that this is the only choice you have. A mixed format may prove to be better. This format is one that is evenly balanced, and includes achievements, relevant skill sets, and an employment history. The advantage of this is that past projects would be highlighted and have a greater impact.


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