Redefine Your Career!

Read and Redefine your career

Idea Behind the Blog!

“Don’t call us, we’ll call you”. The dreaded, much feared, and probably the last words any candidate would want to hear after an interview. If you’re fed up of scanning millions of job portals, going for innumerable interviews, and still have been shown the door by employers galore, then you sure have enough reason to get a career-strategy makeover as soon as possible. Here’s how you can help redefine your career !! BEST OF LUCK!!

Career Funda !!

Whether you’re new on the job scene, fresh out of college, or even an old-timer who wants to boost your career, you can find the best and most practical advice on this site. You are provided with handy tips that can help promote your career. It also ensures you get freedom in making a decision to select a job you will absolutely love to do!

Advantages of hiring HR consultants


Using a recruitment agency to fill vacancies is an increasingly popular solution for all businesses in the modern world. Companies looking to recruit qualified individuals are finding that to get the best candidates there are few - if any - alternatives that offer the same benefits and level of service. Even if your company already has a HR department, a recruitment agency can prove the most effective way of sourcing and screening new staff in terms of both resources and reach. Here are a few of the reasons why recruitment agencies have become so successful over the past decade;

Specialisation: Many industries and companies have very specific requirements for their potential candidates, even for entry-level positions. Whether its construction or social care, often the first - and sometimes the greatest - challenge in filling an empty or new position is finding someone who's qualified for the job. Most recruitment agencies build lists of qualified candidates for a variety of specialisations and can draw upon this for clients.

Recruitment Flexibility: Conversely, recruitment companies also offer an incomparable amount of flexibility when it comes to filling the particular needs of a given position. As they can fill positions with qualified people in a short amount of time, business often turn to recruitment to fill temporary jobs from short-term contract work to maternity cover and interim management. By turning to an outside staffing solutions firm, employers can find candidates for any department and any level of experience without being forced to run their own recruitment campaign at short notice.

Flexible costs: Whilst running a HR department for recruitment has an attached permanent cost to your business, using a recruitment agency can be done on a case-by-case basis. The increased ROI varies depending on your average turnover and the nature of your company, but recruitment agencies can offer a tailored service that fits your available budget and gets the most out of it.

Expertise: Recruitment agencies tend to operate in a variety of locations, recruiting both locally and nationally. As such, they can draw upon a wealth of experience and professional knowledge of labour markets for different sectors of work, and provide you with feedback and constructive advice on how to tailor a vacancy for the maximum effect in terms of both reach and appeal to prospective candidates. They can ensure that your recruitment campaigns are targeted at the most fruitful areas of employment - ensuring that your adverts reach the right people and deliver the right message.


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