Redefine Your Career!

Read and Redefine your career

Idea Behind the Blog!

“Don’t call us, we’ll call you”. The dreaded, much feared, and probably the last words any candidate would want to hear after an interview. If you’re fed up of scanning millions of job portals, going for innumerable interviews, and still have been shown the door by employers galore, then you sure have enough reason to get a career-strategy makeover as soon as possible. Here’s how you can help redefine your career !! BEST OF LUCK!!

Career Funda !!

Whether you’re new on the job scene, fresh out of college, or even an old-timer who wants to boost your career, you can find the best and most practical advice on this site. You are provided with handy tips that can help promote your career. It also ensures you get freedom in making a decision to select a job you will absolutely love to do!

Use Government job for stable career


Job security or safety of the job is the virus from which service people are fighting these days. The job of a person is not only important for his own living, but it is also a source which caters to the livelihood of his whole family and the people dependent on him. After the recession witnessed by the job industry last year, people are not at all sure about the tenure of their jobs, all the service people have got very much concerned about the security of their jobs.

The major downturn due to the market slowdown was faced by the private sector, leading to a major number of job layoffs in the same sector. Not only a particular sector, but the whole job industry got badly affected by the recession. Many people got jobless, resulting to a decline in the standards of their lifestyle. Due to all this, and to safeguard themselves from future recession, many candidates are searching for a job which offers a guaranty for lifetime. Such promises can only be fulfilled by Government jobs, which are the only of its kind sectors, which if someone gets, works as fixed deposit for their lifetime.

Government jobs are very demanding and the same time, very less in number. Due to the privatization of almost all the public services, the number of the jobs in the government sector has reduced to a lot. On the contrary, it has been observed, that during the recession, only half a percent of the government employment has fallen in the last one year, comparative to the seven times fall in the private sector.

Also, with the implementation of Sixth Pay Commission, a considerable hike has been seen in the salaries of the government employees, almost to a 40-50 per cent increase in their present income. This has added to the reasons for more people applying for government jobs. Though a private job offers more incentives and perks, but they seem to be far less interesting and luring when it comes to the job security, which is always a valid option in Government jobs.
Though, government Jobs are available for candidates from the very low level to the top managerial posts. Experience, educational qualification, family background and most of all an entrance examination is also required at some levels to grab a secure government job. The various tests which are to be taken to qualify oneself for a government job are, Civil Services Entrance Examination, Union Public Service Commission, IAS, IPS, State Level Entrance teats for banks, income tax officers, etc. All the top level services in a government job are grabbed through entrance tests.


Defense and NGO jobs also forms an important part of the govt. jobs, wherein the employee serves country in a direct manner as well as earns his living. The defense system in India is considered to be the best all over the world and working in such a respected community adds to the personality of the person. The entry to Defense jobs can be done through the NDA Exam i.e. National Defense Academy Exam, which can be taken after passing senior secondary education and Combined Defence Services Exam (CDSE), which requires a candidate to have a minimum qualification of a graduate.

Some of the other examinations for Indian Defence services are like; IAF Airman Educational Instructors Trade Exam- conducted by Airforce of India for the entrance of instructors, Indian Army Soldier- Technical Exam (M. E. R Exam) conducted for the recruitment of personnel in the Indian Army responsible for the land based military operations in the country, Indian Navy Artificier Apprentices Exam for recruiting Indian Navy personnel, etc.

The candidate applying for Defence services, must be a citizen of the country and other eligibility criterion in terms of age, sex and educational qualification vary in accordance to the nature of the job and requirement in the respective division of the Defence services of that area.

Thus, we can say government job is a safe and secure option for leading a hurdle free life, but at the same tome one needs to be very efficient and capable to clear all these hard-hitting entrances.


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