Redefine Your Career!

Read and Redefine your career

Idea Behind the Blog!

“Don’t call us, we’ll call you”. The dreaded, much feared, and probably the last words any candidate would want to hear after an interview. If you’re fed up of scanning millions of job portals, going for innumerable interviews, and still have been shown the door by employers galore, then you sure have enough reason to get a career-strategy makeover as soon as possible. Here’s how you can help redefine your career !! BEST OF LUCK!!

Career Funda !!

Whether you’re new on the job scene, fresh out of college, or even an old-timer who wants to boost your career, you can find the best and most practical advice on this site. You are provided with handy tips that can help promote your career. It also ensures you get freedom in making a decision to select a job you will absolutely love to do!

Advantages of using new search engine Doyell


New Search Engine –Need Anything Just Yell DoYell.

DoYell has launched a new search engine which caters to web-savvy searchers by ranking results based on what is important to the search audience. At first look, DoYell seems like any other searchengine. But once you see how they allow for a preview of your search query, you begin to realize what we are trying to shoot for. DoYell is a new website that offers users information in an easily accessible format. The site claims to reduce confusion over what is an organic search result and what is an advertisement. For DoYell, the priority is to return quality search results. Unlike linear engines that simply prioritize the sources that pay for prime spots, this new engine ranks according to importance to users, not the bottom line. At the heart of DoYell is a matrix of 14 distinct kinds of searchable resources, accessible by entering a search term only once. Searchers can go from web search results to news headlines to shopping and other information resources all in a single click and see what is relevant.

‘Highlight & Search’ for example is a brilliant new feature that lets users move seamlessly between different searches. By just highlighting any interesting text in a result with your mouse and clicking another information resource you get a whole new set of search results for just that text without any additional typing.For example, “Web Search” for your favourite Movie and find 1000s of results based on popularity not payola, click “Movies” and find current and classic trailers, click “Quick Look” and watch one or all of those trailers on the same page without leaving your results, click “Blogs” and see what the web community is saying, or click on “Entertainment News” and get up to the minute updates. “Highlight and Search” for example is a feature that lets users move seamlessly between different searches. By just highlighting any interesting text in a result with your mouse and clicking another information resource you get a whole new set of search results for just that text without any additional typing. But it is not all just fun DoYell is also popular for all kinds of homework and research. Projects can be jump started using the sites “Dictionary/Reference” which offers definitions, a thesaurus, encyclopaedia, almanac, atlas and more. More in depth articles are available via a click on “Wikipedia” the web’s favorite online encyclopedia. And if you need some pics to bring life to your project then just click “Images”.

DoYell really shines both in the depth and breadth of search resources easily accessible through a single search engine, and a design that reflects the growing expectation of online users for attractive, clear, pleasing and easy to use pages. While the art and science of optimization proceeds as a way to get eyeballs onto pages using conventional search engines, the next generation of search engine has appeared at:

Medical tourism : earn from it


The growing influence of medical tourism in Asia has turned many Asian natives overseas to come to their own countries for the procedures like cosmetic, plastic and weight loss surgeries. Even natives of western countries start traveling to Asia for these procedures. Asia is giving such facilities in cheap way to the medical travelers that are not available to them in western world. Some of the facilities are general like well equipped hospitals, professional surgeons and doctors, modern operative ways to cure, but there are some extra charms attached as well, first of all Asian destination of medical and health tourism are less expensive, in most of Asian countries it is easy for overseas to meet the legal requirements, most of the countries are medical tourism friendly. It is very difficult of get medical insurance in western world and America especially for the aesthetic cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures, in Asia it is easy.

Talking about the general scenario of plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery and weight loss surgery in Asia, affordable procedures like face and chin lift surgery, cleft lips, removal of burn and child birth marks, breast reconstruction surgeries, breast augmentation surgeries, hair removal laser treatments, reshaping and molding the body by tummy tuck and liposuctions are some treatments, available in countries like Japan, China, Korea, Malaysia, India, Singapore, Pakistan, and Thailand. Thailand is now considered among the best destination for transsexual surgeries people are coming from USA, UK, Australia and many other western countries for their transgender operation in Thailand.

Malaysia is another beautiful destination for medical tourism in Asia with lots of beaches and modern cities like Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johor Bahru and many others. is one of the leading medical tourism providers in Malaysia, giving you affordable packages for plastic, cosmetic, reconstructive, and weight loss surgery procedures. The ratio of the medical travelers in Malaysia for plastic, cosmetic and weight loss surgeries is increasing every day. facilitates patients, connects them with best surgeons of plastic, cosmetic, reconstructive, and weight loss surgeries in Malaysia.

The trend of coming to their native country for plastic, cosmetic and weight loss surgeries in overseas Asians is also increasing more and more Asian natives select their home land for their medical treatment. For instance every year approximately 400 UK based Pakistani native ladies come to their home land Pakistan for their plastic surgeries and obesity surgeries. As benefits are numerous if someone comes his\her own country for these treatment, first of all one can get a good time to recover as there is no time period of stay in your own country, no visa expiry due to time span, no long list of patients and appointments in Asian countries as compare to western world. is the forum in Pakistan that gives you a chance to come back to your own country for less expensive plastic, cosmetic, reconstructive, and weight loss surgery procedures. Asia is getting better and better in plastic, cosmetic and obesity surgeries day by day and has full potential to become dream region for these surgeries.

Steps to avoid smoking and get success


If you're a smoker, you are undoubtedly looking for the best way to quit smoking. You're sick of the nasty addiction, your cough is getting worse, you are out of breath when you walk just a few blocks, and your family is constantly on your back to stop.

You can find several smoking-cessation aids available that can help you to stop smoking, including the nicotine patch and gum, and they have been proven to help many smokers stop. However the most vital factor to quitting smoking is to really make a commitment to stop. Without that commitment, your resolve will begin to wane and you may find it very hard to stay away from cigarettes.

Breaking the smoking addiction will be the hardest part of quitting. You're so used to having a cigarette in your hand that you may reach for one without thinking. You most likely also have cigarette breaks built into your day, like smoking with your coffee in the morning, or after lunch or dinner. These are tough habits to break.

Try to keep sugarless hard candy close by, and when you feel the necessity to reach for a cigarette, reach for the candy instead. Many people have successfully used this solution to help break their smoking habit.
To strengthen your commitment to quitting, attempt to think about yourself ten years from today - healthy and able to take part completely in family events. Stay mindful of the fact that your goal is to see your kids grow up and give you grandchildren. Do whatever it takes to stay motivated as you wean yourself from cigarettes.

It is not easy to stop smoking. Cigarettes are addictive, and your body has to get rid of the nicotine over a period of time. So it's highly likely that you'll relapse and smoke while you're making an attempt to quit. That's ok. Just do not give up. If you need help, you can join a stop smoking support group in your neighborhood.

Just keep trying, and keep in mind that no one is perfect. It may even take you a a number of attempts, but keep at it. It might be a struggle, but you'll find that it's worth it. Find the strategy that works for you, because the reality is that the best way to quit smoking is the method that works for you.

Why Email marketing is considered as one of the best tool?


The Internet and technology connect us in ways we never thought possible and never has this been more obvious than with the events of recent years. The electronic media is being used as a way of getting the message out to a broad range of audiences in a timely manner and in a very cost effective way. However, is email marketing still a viable way of communicating or have we overused this strategy to the point where it no longer has the impact it once did? Email marketing continues to prove itself to be incredibly successful and a powerful medium when used properly and is currently the tool of choice for over 80% of online advertisers who are interested in maintaining or growing their business relationships.

No article on email marketing would be complete without addressing the whole social media-email debate that seems to have developed in the last few years. While much has been written about this, there is a general consensus, among online users, that there is a place for both social media and email to co-exist, especially when it comes to utilizing email as a marketing tool. Social media is built around the premise of adding a more "social" component to the communication process, whereas email marketing, in fact, targets its main audiences

Steps to make great sales presentation


In the B2B world, chances are you're going to find yourself needing to make sales presentations on a regular basis. Here are four keys to making a great presentation, and helping your business stand out.

1.Practice. When you are making a salespresentation, you will want to have every aspect of it down cold, including facts, figures, and exactly when you will be referring to your presentation materials. A great way to do this is the old tried and true method of practicing in front of a mirror. Even better is if you can corral a trusted friend or colleague (your dog doesn't count) to listen to your presentation and give you some honest - hopefully constructive - criticism. Things to keep in mind are to keep the pace pretty quick in general, but it also helps to vary the tone of your voice and the speed at which you are speaking just a little bit. You don't want to be up there droning on.

2.Research Your Audience. Chances are, you will be giving your sales presentation to a lot of different potential clients. Don't get in the habit of giving the exact same spiel to each and every one. Do a little bit of research beforehand to learn what you can about the business you are presenting to. Know their mission statement, and subtly tailor your presentation to showing how your proposals will fit into it. Read their press releases. Have some familiarity with their vernacular. Anything that you can do to show that you understand them, and that your products and/or services fit into whatever it is they are trying to accomplish will help your presentation immensely.

3.Don't BS (for lack of a better term.) No matter how well you prepare, no matter how well you know your subject, no matter how good you are at expecting the unexpected, someone is going to hit you with a question that you simply do not know the answer to. The key here is to not make something up on the spot. It's okay to say something like: "Wow, that is a great question. I'm going to have to get back to you on that," as long as you - guess what?-- get back to them as soon as you can with a quality answer. The key is to compliment the questioner, show a little humor if possible, and don't spend too much time on it. Go right back to your strengths.

4.Make Sure Your Materials Stand Out. There are many methods of putting together and presenting your sales materials, price lists, and catalogs. A great idea is to go to your copy and print shop, or take a good look around online, and truly take into consideration all the different document-binding options and what they might be conveying about your business. Plastic comb document binding is probably the least expensive option, but it is also the most common. If you want to stand out, consider packaging your documents in a style that will make your audience want to hold on to the book. Some more elegant and permanent solutions are Wire-o binding, or thermal binding. Search these online to see what a difference they can make

Reaching more customers with direct mailing list

Do you want to reach out to more people and stretch the wings of your business? Then take a modern approach to reach prospective customers and increase market reach by personalizing your advertisements and offers. Personalized advertisements when mailed create extra attention among customers. Personalized mailings are now easy with direct mailing lists from Mailway Services.

The company specializes in providing direct mailing lists and data hygiene services at your finger reach through the web. These mailing lists are highly comprehensive and target oriented that can be customized according to needs of clients. Various databases available here include consumer database, mortgage database, resident occupant database, business database, and more.

Customers can create their own targeted mailing lists from any of the above mentioned databases. When a customer creates his/her custom direct mailing lists, they facilitate easier search and help reach out to targeted customers. Business mailing lists can be prepared from the business database that includes information about various senior and middle management executives associated with different companies around the globe. These highly targeted mailing lists from Mailway Services are easy-to-use and are totally reliable as they are regularly checked for updates. Customers can get these lists on line through a user friendly web interface or in the form of diskettes, pressure sensitive labels, or CD-ROM.

Other services include live stamping and mail tracking, which help improve customer reach. Customers can also custom design their mail pieces to make them look unique. The personalized and customized addressing that is made on a uniquely designed mail piece stands out from the entire lot to draw attention. These services are extremely fast and secured.

With top quality services like direct mailing lists and live mail tracking service offered by Mailway Services, you not only reach out to targeted customers, but can also track every movement of your mail.

2 best way to increase adsense revenue


Most webmasters know that Adsense generates a sizeable source of additional advertising income. That is why most of them use it to go after high paying keywords. They have with them the lists that tells what the keywords are and have already used various methods of identifying them. And yet, after putting up these supposed-to-be high paying keywords into their pages, the money they expected to come rolling in is not really coming in.

What is it that they are doing wrong?

Having the pages is with the proper keywords is one thing. But driving visitors to those pages is another matter and often the factor that is lacking.

The thing is, to get visitors to your high paying keyword pages, you need to optimize your site navigation.

Stop for a moment and think about how visitors are using your website. After a visitor has landed on a certain page, they have the tendency to click on another page that sounds interesting. They get there because of the other links that appears on a page that they initially landed on. This is site navigation. It is all about enabling visitors to move about your site. And one way of maximizing your Adsense earnings.

A typical website have menu links on each page. The wording on these links is what grabs a visitor’s attention and gets them to click on one of the links that will take them to another page of that website. Links that have “free’ or “download” are oftentimes good attention-grabbers.

This navigation logic can also be applied to driving traffic to your high paying pages. There are some websites that are getting a lot of traffic from search engines, but have low earnings. The trick is to try and use come cleverly labeled links to get the visitors off that pages and navigate them to the higher earning ones. This is one great way of turning real cheap clicks to real dollars.

Before you begin testing if this same style will work for you and you website, you need to have two things. Something to track and compare and some high earning pages you want to funnel your site traffic to. An option is to select a few of your frequently visited pages. This is ensuring fast result to come by.

Now, the next thing to do is think of ways to get visitors viewing a particular page to try and click on the link that will take them to your high earning pages. Come up with a catchy description for that link. Come up with a catchy and unique description for the link. Think of something that people do not get to see everyday. That will trigger their curiosity enough to try and see what that was all about.

You can also use graphics to grab your readers’ attention. There is no limitation to what you can do to make your link noticeable. If you are after the success of your site, you will do everything it takes just to achieve that goal. Just be creative. As far as many Adsense advertisers are concerned, there are no written and unwritten laws to follow regarding what they write. Just as long as you do not overstep the guidelines of the search engines, then go for it.

Also remember that it is all about location, location and location. Once the perfect attention grabbing description has been achieved, you have to identify the perfect spot on your page to position that descriptive link to your high paying page.

There is nothing wrong with visiting other websites to see how they are going about maximizing their site navigation. “Hot pages” or “Most read” lists are very common and overly used already. Get to know the ones that many websites are using and do not try to imitate them.

Another way of doing it is to try and use different texts on different pages. That way you will see the ones that work and what does not. Try to mix things around also. Put links on top and sometimes on the bottom too. This is how you go about testing which ones get more clicks and which ones are being ignored.

Let the testing begin. Testing and tracking until you find the site navigation style that works best for you site.

Take these survey to earn additional money


Free surveys for money is great, especially if you earn money doing free surveys from the exclusive websites. First things first, though. They should never charge any fees, and they need to always have an updated list of survey offers. On top of that, they need to pay well, but I'm guessing that you're earning pennies right now. I'm about to change that for you, though.

I bet that you are plain tired of clicking your mouse every second, getting carpel tunnel, and not seeing much cash in your survey site account. I mean, if you are content with receiving basically nothing for your efforts, by all means, you should keep going down that road. If you are like me, though, and want to start doing free surveys for money and receive the most cash possible, I have a secret for you. The secret is broken into two parts. The first secret is why you don't earn cash with survey sites to begin with: You mostly stuck with search-engines to sign up to the ones you're currently with. If that is how you found most of them, it's time to throw them away and forget about that part of your past. The great places for doing high paying survey offers will not be in those results.

Where will they be then? They will be found in the depths of large forums. Yes, the mostly forgotten about websites that have general forums, where all topics are able to be talked about, are the websites that will stick a lot more cash in your pocket. If you want to start doing free surveys for money and make much more, you need to go into those bigger general forums, head over to their archived topic section and yank up the ones about survey sites.

You'll see all kinds of them, and best of all, you will not see much spam there, because bigger forums take care of that very nicely. From end to end, you'll pin point valuable info about where others are currently receiving lumps of cash for each survey they are doing. I still use this way to start doing free surveys for money from the paid survey sites that help me earn the most.

Unemployed? start with these home based franchise


With the pressures of contemporary day living, more than ever individuals would love tone able to operate their work from home. There are many home based franchises and other businesses that have the flexibility for being operated from a home office. Naturally there can be several benefits to this lifestyle preference:-

  • Variable operating hours - could fit around your lifestyle
  • No need to answer to somebody else - you are the chief!
  • You profit directly from the labor you do
  • Lesser expenses - no office or premises fee to pay

It could look like the ultimate scenario yet some of us are more matched to the work-from-home lifestyle than others. Two main qualities for working from home franchises are:-

  • Drive
  • Self-control

For a home based franchise opportunity or work-from-home business to succeed the franchise owner should be dedicated to its success. The individual has to be motivated each day and committed to carry out the business responsibilities without getting distracted by domestic life. This is easier said than done seeing as everyones enthusiasm can often go up and down from one day to another and its the strictness to get on with work on testing days which can often be by far the most challenging. For all those with the self-control and enthusiasm in making it work a home based franchise could be a good way of operating a company for yourself coupled with the lifestyle advantages of being situated at home. If you have an interest in researching a few of the work-from-home opportunities there for you, you can start by researching some of the home based franchises available via online franchise directories.

How to find best franchise business for you?


Franchising can act as a good selection for many people as it can actually be a form of supported self-employment. While a franchise opportunity presents a business ownership opportunity, the franchise owner will often generally provide education and on going support as well as a confirmed franchise system on which to develop a business.

How then can potentially you find the most effective franchise opportunities to suit your needs? What are the key elements that should be thought-out?

Confirmed System

The heart of a franchise is its confirmed system. By piloting a small business idea, a franchisor can prove that their business model and formula works and is worthwhile. This could then be replicated by any person who desires to buy into the franchise proposition and commit themselves to using the proven system. Take a good look at the franchise business idea and look to see if it has a proven track history.

Proven history

The track record might be determined by talking to the franchise owner and enquiring on information of their pilot businesses and their performance. Talking to any current franchisees can be vital to determine how the franchise business is working for them and if they are currently operating profitably. You may also speak with the franchise departments of a few of the main high street banks. When they know of the franchise business, and are presently lending finance to established franchisees, this can be a very good sign.

Financial considerations

Its also vital that you consider what you could manage to pay for. Any purchase capital you have got yourself, can be pooled with any lending that a bank can provide, so chat to some of the main high street banks regarding lending to determine what your investment potential is. This will aid you to study franchises that fall within your margins and not throw away time investigating those you can't come up with the money for.

Gut Feel

Its also vital that you meet the franchise owner face-to-face and determine how you are feeling about working with them. A franchise isn’t a totally independent selection, but one that would require interaction involving you as the franchise business operator, or franchisee, and the franchise brand owner, or franchisor.

How Knowledge management is important for any business?


Knowledge management is a term that stays vast and vivid from the day of its existence, which dates back in time. Knowledge management is of much indulgence and given thought into, at organizational levels. It comprises of the methodology and practices that are put into use to accumulate differentiate, and arrange thoughts and insights of individuals at a constant rate. This is of great help and need to all, both at individual and in terms of a group or even at organizational context.
Knowledge management is more of a discipline than just a thought or process. Management based structures, IT sectors, organizations with a tagline of business, all such formations have a separate concentration for knowledge management now, as it's importance and flow keeps increasing as each year passes by. Knowledge management goes hand in hand with learning process in an organizational structure, which is mostly thought to substitute the latter. But both are different and vivid in senses of their distinct values.
Knowledge management helps facilitate innovative thoughts, sharing of beneficial work points and knowledge that would stay explicit, without such a discipline. Actively managing knowledge into common access points to make work and situations easy and comfortable is one point of support to knowledge management from a vast bunch of thoughts. Acquiring for knowledge is never an easy or effortless job. They have to be extracted and accumulated through different sources in vivid ways known. Providing rewards, persuasion through mechanisms and ideas that would encourage the source to providing information, reviews provided on such accumulations, usefulness of repositories, all, constitute to how successful the knowledge management is.
The actual purpose of knowledge management cannot be enclosed into a nutshell, because the term lays vast. Purposes are to improve relations between individuals, higher and improved rate of connectivity, solving disputed problems with ease and outstanding outcomes, increasing the know-how of individuals and groups across the sector or organization as a whole, to mention a few. Blogs and yellow pages are examples, which bring the actual picture of knowledge management to light.
Knowledge management is still growing and has now become an integral and unavoidable part of society as a whole. Intranets, data warehouse, group conferencing, etc. forms what can be put simple and straight, i.e. knowledge management. Knowledge management has a scope that keeps increasing with each second passing by. The actual reason for such a vast scope is, because knowledge never ends, but keeps increasing, and modified with new inputs and outcomes in the global market and world as a whole.

Understand these 3 leads generated from network marketing


In the network marketing business, your leads are your lifeline in order to succeed in the business. They are the ones who can help you achieve your financial goals. This is why it is important that you know the different types of network marketing leadsso that you will have an idea on how to deal with them.

Targeting your prospective leads is the key. When you learn to target your prospecting or marketing efforts you will be successful in your network marketing business. Generating network marketing leads requires precise targeting and consistentmarketing.

What does this mean?

Actually, it is not as hard as you may have thought it would be. Just look at it way: It is important that you focus on directing your marketing strategies to the right target audience. This will help your conversion rate of potential customers and team members. By doing this you will be able to create a ton of network marketing leads every month. And if you continuously do this, imagine how much you will be making in a year.

How To Find Your Target Audience

It is important to realize that there are three different types of strong prospect types that will be receptive to your network marketing offer. This article will help you to understand the difference between these three types. So, please read on...

Type One

The first type of network marketing leads are those people seeking a business opportunity. They are those who want to become self sufficient so that they can improve their financial status in the society. These are the people who are simply looking for a business opportunity without a strong commitment. But this does not mean they will not commit once they find out how great the opportunity you will be offering them.

Type Two

The second type of network marketing leads is classified as those people seeking a business opportunity. They are the ones who are not afraid to take actions necessary to earn money. These people sometimes gather information hoping to get a chance to make more money in the long run. These are people who have tried a home business without success but know that finding the right one can help them achieve their financial goals.

Type Three

People in the network marketing industry who are disillusioned with the opportunity that they are currently dealing with belong to the third type of network marketing leads. They can also be people that are moving between companies. Therefore, you must take into consideration on their past experience to win their trust.

These are your best candidates if you have a system to build a successful business. Be sensitive to their needs considering that they are your key to succeed in the business.

The three types of prospects listed above are all target audiences that you should try and market towards on a daily basis. They are in the market for a home business.

You most likely do not like to approach friends, strangers, and relatives. Who does? This is why it is extremely important that you realize you need to learn how to find people that are interested in speaking to you - ready to receive your message.

It's is vital that you realize that highly targeting prospects in the network marketing industry will help you create a steady stream of highly qualified leads.

Advantages of online marketing degree


If you have a high level of creativity, possess strong communication skills as well as computer skills, there are many advantages to an online marketing degree. First of all, a degree in marketing is a valuable tool in the portfolio of any business or marketing manager. As a graduate with a marketing degree, you may be involved in advertising and promotion of a company’s products or services, product pricing, developing marketing strategy and even conducting surveys and market research. It makes for a very well rounded executive. Many major corporations prefer candidates with degrees in both marketing and business administration.

Next, it is estimated that employment of advertising and promotion managers, sales managers, public relations and marketing managers will grow at 12 percent or more, between 2008 and 2018, according to The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), making it one of the most high in demand professions.

Last, pursuing a marketing degree online can be the perfect way for a working adult to further his or her education for various reasons; perhaps you decided to take some time off after high school, or perhaps you had to delay a higher education due to financial concerns. You may have chosen to raise your children first or opted for a career in the military. You may even hold a degree in another field but wish to move into the marketing field. Whatever your reasons for seeking a degree in marketing, an online school may be the best solution for you. There is no need to pay for child care and no time spent commuting to and from campus. You attend class in the comfort of your own home, and with few exceptions, at the time most convenient for you.

After earning a marketing degree online, you may work with a private company, marketing services company, a non-profit organization, an educational institution, or the government. And because most companies have moved their business and advertising on the Internet, most employers are particularly seeking candidates with marketing background as well as Internet marketing skills.

There are various ways to obtain a degree in marketing. Some traditional colleges offer online or distance learning as well as classroom instruction. There are also many private universities who specialize in online programs. Many have campuses throughout the country, so you can choose to attend in person, online, or a combination of the two. Others offer only online classes.

When selecting a school, make sure that it is fully accredited. To find out if it is accredited, you may want to visit one of the education accrediting bodies such as or department of education.

If you are considering online programs, make sure that you are going to be able to spend the time it will require. While you will not be spending time to travel to campus, you still need to commit enough hours to fulfill the class requirements. One good rule of thumb is that you need three times the credit hours to handle the reading and homework of any course. Therefore, if you are taking 6 credit hours, be prepared to spend 18 hours a week studying and preparing assignments.

Some schools that offer both online and traditional courses may require you to take tests on their campus while others require residency at some point in your learning. Be sure you find out about any such requirements before you enroll, particularly if you live a long distance from the school.

You may be eligible for financial assistance to pursue your online marketing degree. Most accredited online schools will qualify you for tuition assistance, financial aid, military benefits, educational grants and student loans. Scholarships for online courses are also available. Many employer sponsored tuition reimbursement plans allow distance learning, but you will need to verify this with your personnel department before searching for the school and programs that suits your needs.

Advantages of hiring HR consultants


Using a recruitment agency to fill vacancies is an increasingly popular solution for all businesses in the modern world. Companies looking to recruit qualified individuals are finding that to get the best candidates there are few - if any - alternatives that offer the same benefits and level of service. Even if your company already has a HR department, a recruitment agency can prove the most effective way of sourcing and screening new staff in terms of both resources and reach. Here are a few of the reasons why recruitment agencies have become so successful over the past decade;

Specialisation: Many industries and companies have very specific requirements for their potential candidates, even for entry-level positions. Whether its construction or social care, often the first - and sometimes the greatest - challenge in filling an empty or new position is finding someone who's qualified for the job. Most recruitment agencies build lists of qualified candidates for a variety of specialisations and can draw upon this for clients.

Recruitment Flexibility: Conversely, recruitment companies also offer an incomparable amount of flexibility when it comes to filling the particular needs of a given position. As they can fill positions with qualified people in a short amount of time, business often turn to recruitment to fill temporary jobs from short-term contract work to maternity cover and interim management. By turning to an outside staffing solutions firm, employers can find candidates for any department and any level of experience without being forced to run their own recruitment campaign at short notice.

Flexible costs: Whilst running a HR department for recruitment has an attached permanent cost to your business, using a recruitment agency can be done on a case-by-case basis. The increased ROI varies depending on your average turnover and the nature of your company, but recruitment agencies can offer a tailored service that fits your available budget and gets the most out of it.

Expertise: Recruitment agencies tend to operate in a variety of locations, recruiting both locally and nationally. As such, they can draw upon a wealth of experience and professional knowledge of labour markets for different sectors of work, and provide you with feedback and constructive advice on how to tailor a vacancy for the maximum effect in terms of both reach and appeal to prospective candidates. They can ensure that your recruitment campaigns are targeted at the most fruitful areas of employment - ensuring that your adverts reach the right people and deliver the right message.

Top Job boards available online


In today's technologically advanced world, the Internet has become an essential tool to any jobsearch. Discovering and utilizing the services of the most appropriate job search engines that match your employment needs, increase your chances to find a job that suits you best.

Yet, from the vast number of job search engines, some deserve special consideration for being particularly popular, user-friendly, and effective in matching your career goals with companies looking to hire successful candidates.

Here are the top online job search engines:

Monster is not only one of the first job search engines and extremely user-friendly, but it also offers job seekers a broad variety of career tools for free. The website includes resume building tips, career advice, career development, career snapshots, career mapping, career benchmarking, and, of course, resume posting. Posting your resume to opens the door for an interview as it is the most widely used jobs database by employers.

CareerBuilder is a massive job search engine offering good resources to job seekers. Besides featuring an intuitive interface that allows job seekers to post up to five resumes and one cover letter for free, the website offers additional career tools including create job alerts, get career advice, look up job fairs, and investigate job resources. It also provides a list of job search communities. is a meta search engine of the majority of the major job search engines. Unlike Monster and CareerBuilder, you cannot post your resume to Indeed, but Indeed uncovers many job opportunities that wouldn’t be found on most job search engines. Besides, it is a very user-friendly website and matches your employment needs with job offers that may turn out to be your lifetime opportunities.

Yahoo! HotJobs is a user-friendly job search engine that provides you with career advice, salary information, related articles and more. Besides, it offers resume writing tips as well as the Interviewing page that offers you a complete list of interviewing do's and don’ts.

SimplyHired is nothing like any other job search engine because of it offers a really unique job search experience. Job seekers rate the jobs they are interested in and have also the ability to research salaries, add jobs to a job map, and acquire detailed profiles of various companies.

In Craigslist, you may find everything, including a job. All you need to do is locate your city and then look under Jobs to identify the job category you are interested in.

LinkedIn is the largest professional network in the world hosting over 55 million members. The competitive advantage of LinkedIn over other job boards is that it combines the ability to use the Internet for job searching and the opportunity to network with hundreds of like-minded professionals. In that way, you may exchange ideas and network with other people who share same ideas with you and look for a job or are already employed and may guide you if you are interested in a particular company or sector.

Addressing the employment needs of experienced corporate executives seeking $100K+ jobs and Fortune 500 recruiters, The Ladders offers unlimited access to high paying executive jobs for a monthly fee of $30 or an annual fee of $180. Besides, the website provides one-on-one resume services, and executive career development resources aiming to make the senior level job search as easy as possible.

Dice is a job search engine that addresses the needs of IT specialists looking for technology jobs. Offering a great variety of computer programming and highly technical employment opportunities, Dice provides a niche space for finding contract and full-time positions in the technology field.

If you are interested in US government jobs, is the gateway for finding a wide array of resources that will help you building a great future as a government worker.

How GRREN CARD can change your life?


United States (the world’s largest economy and the most powerful democratic country) is undoubtedly among the best countries to live and work. Americans enjoy the benefits of living in this country which offers several social, economic, and other benefits to its residents. United States of America also has one of the best infrastructures for living.

Here people enjoy the best transportation, medical facilities, education, and work environment. There are endless opportunities for professionals as well as people with business acumen. Here people can turn their professional dreams into reality. Very few other counties offer facilities matching with United States.

Due to that, foreign nationals try to get permanent immigrant status of United States. The statistics of green card applicants in past decade clearly reveals the craze among foreign citizens for permanent resident status of United States. They try to enter into United States through various ways and then try to get green card confirming that they are permanent immigrant.

Green Card – Passport to Endless Opportunity

Green card holders enjoy several exclusive benefits to people which are not available to ordinary Visa holders. People with a green card are free to live and work anywhere in United States. Their kids (below 21 years) also get the status of permanent immigrant and they can easily get into the topmost education institutions of the country. Students with green card have to pay less fees for higher studies.

Green card holders can also apply for citizenship after spending a fixed duration in United States. However, it depends upon their social and economic history during the said period. If a person is paying his taxes on time and does not have any legal offenses then he or she is more like to get the status of permanent US citizen.

Pleasure of Living In United States

It is already confirmed the begining that United States provides world class facility of living. Be in basic requirements of living or the advanced needs, residents of United States gets the best in everything. The development in the field of science and technology, education and entertainment, as well as medical facilities, all are excellent and together they create an environment which is better than living standards of any other country.

Therefore eligible people from all over the world try to get United States green card through several ways. Nowadays, the most popular and easiest way of applying for green card is diversity lottery program. If someone is really eager to become permanent resident of United States in order to endless opportunities and world class living, then it is certainly the best way to apply.

Use Government job for stable career


Job security or safety of the job is the virus from which service people are fighting these days. The job of a person is not only important for his own living, but it is also a source which caters to the livelihood of his whole family and the people dependent on him. After the recession witnessed by the job industry last year, people are not at all sure about the tenure of their jobs, all the service people have got very much concerned about the security of their jobs.

The major downturn due to the market slowdown was faced by the private sector, leading to a major number of job layoffs in the same sector. Not only a particular sector, but the whole job industry got badly affected by the recession. Many people got jobless, resulting to a decline in the standards of their lifestyle. Due to all this, and to safeguard themselves from future recession, many candidates are searching for a job which offers a guaranty for lifetime. Such promises can only be fulfilled by Government jobs, which are the only of its kind sectors, which if someone gets, works as fixed deposit for their lifetime.

Government jobs are very demanding and the same time, very less in number. Due to the privatization of almost all the public services, the number of the jobs in the government sector has reduced to a lot. On the contrary, it has been observed, that during the recession, only half a percent of the government employment has fallen in the last one year, comparative to the seven times fall in the private sector.

Also, with the implementation of Sixth Pay Commission, a considerable hike has been seen in the salaries of the government employees, almost to a 40-50 per cent increase in their present income. This has added to the reasons for more people applying for government jobs. Though a private job offers more incentives and perks, but they seem to be far less interesting and luring when it comes to the job security, which is always a valid option in Government jobs.
Though, government Jobs are available for candidates from the very low level to the top managerial posts. Experience, educational qualification, family background and most of all an entrance examination is also required at some levels to grab a secure government job. The various tests which are to be taken to qualify oneself for a government job are, Civil Services Entrance Examination, Union Public Service Commission, IAS, IPS, State Level Entrance teats for banks, income tax officers, etc. All the top level services in a government job are grabbed through entrance tests.


Defense and NGO jobs also forms an important part of the govt. jobs, wherein the employee serves country in a direct manner as well as earns his living. The defense system in India is considered to be the best all over the world and working in such a respected community adds to the personality of the person. The entry to Defense jobs can be done through the NDA Exam i.e. National Defense Academy Exam, which can be taken after passing senior secondary education and Combined Defence Services Exam (CDSE), which requires a candidate to have a minimum qualification of a graduate.

Some of the other examinations for Indian Defence services are like; IAF Airman Educational Instructors Trade Exam- conducted by Airforce of India for the entrance of instructors, Indian Army Soldier- Technical Exam (M. E. R Exam) conducted for the recruitment of personnel in the Indian Army responsible for the land based military operations in the country, Indian Navy Artificier Apprentices Exam for recruiting Indian Navy personnel, etc.

The candidate applying for Defence services, must be a citizen of the country and other eligibility criterion in terms of age, sex and educational qualification vary in accordance to the nature of the job and requirement in the respective division of the Defence services of that area.

Thus, we can say government job is a safe and secure option for leading a hurdle free life, but at the same tome one needs to be very efficient and capable to clear all these hard-hitting entrances.

What is future of small business owner?


Anyone who has ever owned or worked for a small business knows the distinct differences from larger conglomerates. Indeed, our country is built on the small business model. But what does the future hold for the traditional mom and pop businesses? According to many, including career coach A. Harrison Barnes, it's all about customer service and overhead - two things small business owners have traditionally managed well.

While Big Business struggles with expensive layoffs and employee turn over, small businesses are building durable working relationships with those employees who have been with them for years. It's all about loyalty an doing the right thing. A. Harrison Barnes says the smaller businesses don’t have the frustrations their larger competitors have because the workplace is a bit more intimate and employees and employers often work side by side.  There's a true communications effort that is consistent and well, honest.

Even the Small Business Administration is reporting a steady influx of new business loans, even as bigger companies are relying on stimulus funds. These loans, of course, play a significant role in the economy as a whole. It's a cycle that when works, works well.  Small businesses borrow funds to grow or improve their equipment, locations and services; all the while, they hire local people to do the work, which stimulates local economies. And so the cycle goes. It's these thought processes our country was built on, after all.

And what about big job boards like A. Harrison Barnes says small business owners are just as savvy about recruiting the best employees for the positions they have available. Even the smallest businesses, those with less than five employees, are tech savvy and know the use of serve a purpose as they seek new talent. Even better is the potential employees who began looking for job opportunities down one avenue are finding offers that while similar to their areas of expertise, are still challenging enough for them to consider working for smaller companies.  It turns out to be advantageous for everyone.

Health insurance and other benefits are always incredible bargaining chips; however, many job seekers know the odds of discovering these benefits with even the bigger companies can be problematic in current day.  Smaller companies work with their employers to find that happy medium; after all, they have families too. It often works to everyone's advantage to locate those smaller policies that provide coverage but don't cost the big bucks other companies routinely pay.

So is the new trend in businesses? Not necessarily; it's always been this way, the problem is, most of us were chasing the career opportunities at the larger businesses.  Many are discovering the trade-off of expense reports, company cars and other perks are worth the more conducive workplace and close knit relationships many small business owners have with their employees. As time has proven, bigger doesn't necessarily mean better. While more of us are being reminded of the atmosphere at a smaller business, we're seeing first hand the many benefits of Mom & Pop USA.

How to search and get a job for house keeping


If you are searching to get a job in housekeeping, nowadays it’s not easy. These days, everyone wants there housekeeping staff to have some experience and also know how to complete worker fast and clean. I am going to tell you how you can increase your chance to get housekeeping jobs.

1.Make a record of possible employers. Some of the Places that might appoint you including resorts, hotels and motels, hospital, adult group houses, and retirement homes. Frequently talking, housekeeping is required where there are huge amount of people staying together in a group.

2.Make your Resume very clear. Mention your related skills in resume. Your resume should contain a list of talents you have that are related to specialized housekeeping. Besides, add your other skills like ability to work very fast and independently. Because your resume tells the person, what your profession is.

3.Get in touch with potential employers. Call every potential company and inquire if they are appointing housekeepers or any planning for future. If they need, they will call you for an interview. Even if they say, they don’t have any vacancy currently still they can keep your application as a reference for future requirements as many times it happens that the positions come up suddenly or unknowingly.

4.There are lots of companies, which are providing housekeeping jobs or whatever job you want. Contact them and send your resume to those companies. I know one such type of company which is based in London and is providing all kind of jobs like nanny jobs, housekeeping jobs, chauffeur jobs, Butler jobs, chief engineer job etc. Chelsea staff is having 12 years skill in providing all type of household staff /domestic staff.

5.Be in touch with your friends, who are already working as a housekeeper. Sometimes they also can help you.

6.If some company has called you for an interview. You should dress well and get there on time. You have to present yourself very friendly and are supposed to have ample amount of spirit to show your talents. Physical presentation is necessary for getting a proper job and it lasts for a long period.

Why to keep cover letter with resume


Is a cover letter required when applying for a job? Well, let's begin with the end in mind... what gets you hired? The interview, right? And how do you get the interview? Probably your resume. It's almost impossible to get called for an interview if you don't submit a resume. But what gets your resume read? The answer, of course, is a compelling cover letter.

Your cover letter must be compelling because it's a numbers game. It is so easy for candidates to respond to job postings today that the number of applicants for every posted position is overwhelming. Most resumes are never read by a human. They are glanced at, either online or hardcopy, and unless there is something that catches the interest of the reader, they are set aside. Since most resumes follow the same structure, they all look the same. The cover letter (or email cover) is your chance to be different, to say, "You need to read this one!"

Okay, no pressure. When you think about it in this context it can be very intimidating to write an effective cover letter. Actually most candidates touch up an existing resume, then anguish over their cover letters every time they submit their resume for an opening. Or, they take the easy approach and simply use a stock generic cover letter for every position they apply for. Neither approach is the "right" one. It shouldn't be so difficult to apply for an opening, but a good cover letter does need to be specifically targeted to the position for which you are applying if you want to maximize your call backs for interviews.

So, how do you easily write an effective cover letter? What is the right length... what's too much and what's too brief? There's a simple template that I recommend when applying for a job posting. I'll share the basics, and you can read more at my website.

Your cover letter should be concise and to-the-point, conversational in tone, but professional. It should highlight two or three compelling qualifications that you bring to the table, either significant accomplishments or skills and experiences that will be of interest. Your goal is to get the reader to look at your resume. If you do not have a solid cover letter or a good template that you can use, you will be at a disadvantage when you do see an opportunity worth considering. Writing a cover letter will be just one more obstacle, or you will do a lukewarm job of throwing something together, hoping it does the job. That is not going to get you a job. Consider using a resume writer to help you draft a cover letter or get your hands on some good examples or cover letter templates and do it yourself.

While your resume tells the story of your career in significant detail, try to highlight no more than two or three specific qualifications that make you a great choice for the position and company to which you are applying. Spend some time on the target company's website reading about their culture, their leadership team, and the things that make them unique. Make sure that you appear attractive to a hiring manager that has been a part of this company for some time. Leaders want to hire others that will fit in, that help grow the business or bring specific expertise to the team.

Close your cover letter with a call to action. Indicate what your next course of action will be... will you contact the manager in the next few days by email or phone? Be as assertive as you can but do remember, your resume and cover letter may not get read immediately. Give it a few days. And remember that it's a numbers game... no matter how unique you think your story is, everybody has one. So, set realistic expectations at the outset, accept all the help you can get, and don't give up!

Look at 3D animation career


There is an increase in demand for 3D Animation and Visual Effects professionals. The growth of the Entertainment and Gaming industry led to this demand. Animation and Visual Effects have been embraced by technical areas like automobile engineering, aerospace engineering, civil, pharmaceutical, medicine and architecture as well.

A career in Animation and Visual effects is for those who have a creative mind and a soaring imagination. Besides being creative, one needs a professional degree in 3D Animation and Visual Effects. Courses are available world wide to pursue masters in this.

Some of the disciplines in this profession are visual effects artist, texture artist, technical director, lighting artist, pre-visualisation artist, character animator and modeller. Whatever area one chooses to pursue, knowledge in traditional arts and animation skills on computer is the foundation. So, one begins with these courses.

Professionals in 3D Animation and Visual Effects can find work in video game design, motion picture effects, DVD production, internet site design as well as ad design, television broadcast animation, and for entertainment like music concerts, comedy shows, and amusement rides that requires animation.

There will also be plenty of openings for education, corporate, health care, and governmental operations, including officetraining films, trade shows, and flight training video, and college course animations broadcast in the classroom or through web streaming video. This certainly does reflect the massive demand for 3d artists and animators in a variety of field.

Some of the top schools providing professional degree and hands on training in 3D Animation and Visual Effects are

* National Institute of Design - Ahmedabad, India
* E-dutainment Unlimited-Mumbai, India
* Nanyang Tecnological University-Singapore
* Hongik University, Korea
* Gnomon Institute of visual effects, USA
* Vancouver Film School, Canada
* California Institute of the Arts, USA
* School of Visual Arts, USA
* University of The Arts, USA
* Rhode Island School of design, USA
* Royal College of Art, UK
* National Film and Television School, UK
* Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemburg, Germany

Some of the graduates from these schools work in Disney, Pixar, DreamWorks skg, Blue Sky Studio and Nickelodeon. These the best places to end up after the formal training in 3D Animation and Visual Effects.

There are plenty of job opportunities if you hold a professional degree in Animation and Visual Effects. You can find work any where in the world.