Job Interview – How to Explain Why You Left Your Last Job
There may be many reasons why you left or are leaving your current position. The trick is to make your departure sound positive and demonstrate why the new potential employer should be happy that you have left in hopes of obtaining this new exciting opportunity. Here are some basic general reasons of why you may no longer be with your past company: you got laid off, quit, or were fired.
Out of the above three, getting laid off is the easiest to explain. Lay offs are unfortunately a very common phenomena right now, and organizations choose who they let go based on their own specific standards. Some places let go of the most inexperienced employees first, whereas others choose to lay off the highest paid. When asked why you left your last job, simply explain that there were many cut backs, and you were one of the individuals who was let go. However, you did not get discouraged, but instead took this as an opportunity to seek a more fulfilling career with an outstanding organization.
What if you just quit? There are many reasons why a person quits his or her job, for instance no room for advancement, different ideals than the boss, did not get the desired raise, tired of the job, looking for something more rewarding, etc. If you were passed over for a promotion or were turned down for a raise, do not tell the hiring person this.
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