Redefine Your Career!

Read and Redefine your career

Idea Behind the Blog!

“Don’t call us, we’ll call you”. The dreaded, much feared, and probably the last words any candidate would want to hear after an interview. If you’re fed up of scanning millions of job portals, going for innumerable interviews, and still have been shown the door by employers galore, then you sure have enough reason to get a career-strategy makeover as soon as possible. Here’s how you can help redefine your career !! BEST OF LUCK!!

Career Funda !!

Whether you’re new on the job scene, fresh out of college, or even an old-timer who wants to boost your career, you can find the best and most practical advice on this site. You are provided with handy tips that can help promote your career. It also ensures you get freedom in making a decision to select a job you will absolutely love to do!

Using The Internet For Searching Jobs

Finding the right job and building a successful career is of utmost importance if you want to succeed in the professional world. And to achieve such success, no effort is too much.
With the expansion of the internet, the web has become an important job search tool that can streamline the process of finding a good job. Here's how -

1) Almost Every Company Today Has A Web Presence - Create a list of Companies you would like to work for and visit their websites to find their Career Page which will list down the kind of jobs they are currently offering. Follow the procedure mentioned to apply (filling out a form or email your resume and follow up by calling up) for positions that match your skills, education and expertise.

2) Job Sites Are Updated Daily With New Jobs & Vacancies Across All Industries - Their are numerous job websites that offer listings of latest Jobs and Career Opportunities with small, medium and large Companies. Visit websites like
or any other job portal site and subscribe to their Job newsletters so that jobs are delivered to your inbox every week.
Spend some time in creating a web friendly Resume / CV that can be easily accessed online.

Some of the most common resume formats include :

- Word document Resumes: created and saved as a word file. Such CV's can be sent as an attachment to your email.

- Text CV: is kept simple and sometimes copy pasted directly into the body of an email.

- Web CV: is a relatively new format now immensely popular with web savvy job seekers. Such resumes can be either hosted on job websites or presented in the format of a personal website and accessed online.

- PDF Format: Such a CV is saved in the PDF format ie, Portable Document Format.
Read the job advertisement carefully and apply accordingly based on the requirements of the employer. Optimize your resume and give it a professional look.

It is advisable to leave no stones unturned in your pursuit of finding the right job. Use all job search techniques in tandem with each other so that one complements the other.

How To Get Hired For An Internship

For college students and those about to graduate, internships are of paramount importance, especially if you are in a professional course. The experience of internships stands out prominently on a fresher’s resume while looking for his or her first job. Besides that, an internship gives the student a first hand experience of what working in an industry would be like.

Thus, the importance of one or more internships for college students is quite crucial. So much that internships have become a must for all college students aspiring for good jobs. With an internship, a student gets clarity and better understanding of the field, helps one set clear career goals, and imparts the relevant experience that prospective employers would value.

However, internships are not always easy to come by. One has to exhaust and explore various ways to land an internship. Before discussing tips on how to get an internship position, let’s first define what an internship is. An internship is a small-term, pre-professional work experience for students and recent graduates that gives them an opportunity to gather experience in a particular field. Since it is like a training ground before you start your first jobs and gives you a first-hand experience of the industry and the work experience that you wish to join, an internship is the best way to prepare for your career.

All college students must try to gain at least one internship experience during their college life. Also, there should be a constant effort to get multiple internships. The best way to get an internship is to remain in touch with your college’s career services center. Get yourself registered there and submit a CV that carries details of all your skills and academics. This way, whenever an internship position comes up at the career services center, you will get to know of it and also the recruiters will be bale to see your CV and short list you if you suit their criteria. Also, these career services centers provide free advice, counseling and information about job fairs etc.

The next best place to look for internships is among your friends and family. Inform them that you are looking for an internship and what your skills are. They can pass on the word among their network and acquaintances and that may help you get an internship. Other than this, you can keep in touch with your college faculty and professors. At times, they may know of good internships and chip in a word for you. Sometimes, organizations contact them directly to identify potential interns.

Also, you can go directly to the source, which means that you can apply directly to the companies. Talk to their human resources department and see if there is a suitable internship position for you in the company. Also, you must keep your resume updated. If there is any new skill that you have acquired or any new thing that you learnt, do mention it on your CV. Or, even if you helped organized a college event, do mention it on your resume and get the required visibility. Keep practicing your interview skills and this will help in you in getting freshers job quiet easily. All employers would like to interview you before offering you any internship position. So, keep up your practice. Don’t just confine your search to your locality. Be flexible with the location even if you have to travel. If you keep looking for options nearby, you will limit your search considerably. So, look beyond your comfort zone to get a good internship position.

When you finally get an opportunity to intern in an organization, make sure you make full use of it. Exploit it to the hilt and learn new skills so that by the time you finish your internship, you have upgraded your skills. Set specific goals from the beginning itself and determine what you are looking to accomplish and achieve during the internship period. Not all internships are paid and you might be required to work for free.

However, don’t let this discourage you as the experience that you gain would be invaluable when you apply for your first job. So, be open to accepting both paid and non-paid internships. Try to identify a mentor within the organization who would groom you. Once your internship is over, send thank you letters to all those who helped you find an internship and those with whom you learnt new skills. Also, keep in touch with the key people at the organization. These might be useful when you look for your first job for freshers .

Tips to better your technical resume

One of the major key elements for conducting a successful job search is the resume. However, a technical resume can generally be a difficult document to develop. The technical resume is the job seeker’s primary document for marketing one’s self. It will encompass levels of education, hands-on experience, areas of expertise, and relevant skills.

An effective resume should grab the reader’s attention immediately, within the span of 35 to 45 seconds. A proper technical resume would extend that attention period to around 60 seconds. Successful resumes prompt the reader to contact the job seeker. Consequently, a successful job search revolves around the resume’s effectiveness.

No one is aware of your experience and background better than you. The majority of engineers and technical graduates can adequately articulate their experiences, though putting it down on paper may be another story. Many technical graduates who do write their own resumes find it difficult to sell them to a potential employer. Here are some tips for preparing an effective resume.

Have the finest organizational format selected

Most resumes are composed in chronological format. However, that does not mean that this is the only choice you have. A mixed format may prove to be better. This format is one that is evenly balanced, and includes achievements, relevant skill sets, and an employment history. The advantage of this is that past projects would be highlighted and have a greater impact.

Job Interview – How to Explain Why You Left Your Last Job

There may be many reasons why you left or are leaving your current position. The trick is to make your departure sound positive and demonstrate why the new potential employer should be happy that you have left in hopes of obtaining this new exciting opportunity. Here are some basic general reasons of why you may no longer be with your past company: you got laid off, quit, or were fired.

Out of the above three, getting laid off is the easiest to explain. Lay offs are unfortunately a very common phenomena right now, and organizations choose who they let go based on their own specific standards. Some places let go of the most inexperienced employees first, whereas others choose to lay off the highest paid. When asked why you left your last job, simply explain that there were many cut backs, and you were one of the individuals who was let go. However, you did not get discouraged, but instead took this as an opportunity to seek a more fulfilling career with an outstanding organization.

What if you just quit? There are many reasons why a person quits his or her job, for instance no room for advancement, different ideals than the boss, did not get the desired raise, tired of the job, looking for something more rewarding, etc. If you were passed over for a promotion or were turned down for a raise, do not tell the hiring person this.

Career Planning - The Right Career Choice

Making the right career choice can be a difficult decision for most of us. After all, this decision will effect the rest of our work life. Different people are guided by different factors in their career choices.  The common trend today is to opt for a career field that offers the maximum remuneration. There is no doubt that money has become the driving force for most of us.

Personality & Career Choice

Your personality & temperament can be another major factor that can effect your career choice.118image Here are some of the common personality types and the possible career fields best suited for people having such personality - 

  1. Social - Those of you who are social, enjoy interacting with others and have good interpersonal skills can do well in fields such as Mass Media, Therapy, PR, Social Work etc.
  2. Intellectual - If you are the intellectual type and goal driven, consider a career in Mathematics, Analysis, Research and Science.
  3. Creative - For the artistic, jobs that allow you to show your creativity are often best suited. Avoid choosing careers that curb your identity and do not allow you to show your artistic side.
  4. Conventional - The conventional people often opt for jobs in book keeping, accountancy etc.
  5. Enterprising - If you are aggressive, enterprising and have a strong mind of your own, you can choose to become a marketing professional, business executive and a public person.

A word of Advice when choosing your career field -

  • Do plenty of research into the career opportunities available and their prerequisites. After doing this homework, weigh your options and make a decision.
  • Listen to others, take their advice but make the final decision yourself - one that you feel is good for you.
  • Don't be afraid to make a decision you feel is the right one!
  • During the course of your career, you will get plenty of opportunities to sit back and review your progress and satisfaction levels. Use this time to analyze where your career is going and where it is you want it to go!

Stress Management Techniques: The Top 5 To Cultivate to Succeed at Work

What are your favorite stress management techniques?

The techniques described here take time to cultivate, but is well worth your effort. The ultimate objective being to develop a habit of these techniques - so that it becomes second nature to you

As a career builder newbie, I urge you to start developing some of these techniques in order to manage the stress you will experience as you climb the corporate ladder.

Stress Management Technique #1: Greet People Warmly
Greeting people warmly especially in the morning is important to manage stress. You wonder why? Have you ever noticed how some people come in the office grumpy? It is almost as if, they have decided that they will be stressed out that day. When you greet someone warmly in the morning, it says you have decided that you will start a great day. Imagine starting a day on the low and watch it get worse!

Stress Management Technique #2:  Be Conscious Of Our Behaviour
Being conscious of your behaviour means to be conscious of how you feel and act. It is the trigger in your mind that says “I am getting impatient with this discussion. And I am going to raise my voice.” Once you are mindful of your actions you can choose to react in a more positive fashion. Now, you may ask – how can I be conscious of my actions if I am in the middle of an argument with someone? Well, it takes practice. Just as we practice a certain sport prior to an important tournament.

Stress Management Technique #3:  Be Conscious Of Our Breath
Taking deep breaths and counting is a popular stress management technique. In this particular one, my variation is to be conscious of my breath. Whenever I feel stressed, I excuse myself if I am in the company of others and walk away. While walking away to the washroom for example, I concentrate on my breath touching the tip of my upper lip. And I consciously slow my breath down while concentrating on it. It takes the negative thoughts out of my mind.

Stress Management Technique #4: Reviewing The Positive
Create a habit of reviewing the positive that has happened throughout the day. The idea is to cultivate the habit of looking at the positive. Instead of crashing in front of the television when you reach home, spend five to ten minutes reviewing what nice things others have done for you. The kind deed others have done that made your day turn out great. I practice this while being stuck in traffic. It kills two birds with one stone, it allows me to review the positive and takes my mind off the traffic situation at the same time.

Stress Management Technique #5: Letting Go The Negative
Let’s face it - we are but mere mortals. We will make mistakes while trying to cultivate these habits to manage stress. In reviewing the positives, we should also be conscious of the negative that we have done. Maybe we did not realize it earlier in the day. It could be something nasty we have said to someone. Realize this and “cleanse” yourself by flushing away the misdirected actions. Do this by forgiving yourself and remind yourself that you will not do it again.

Admittedly, these 5 stress management techniques take time to cultivate. Make a decision to start today and watch your stress greatly reduced as time goes by

Expand your Horizons with a Bachelor Degree Online…

There are many people that dream of getting bachelors degree, but the thought of interrupting their career or family life to attend traditional classes seems impossible. The notion of trying to attend numerous classes when you are already busy with your career and family life is just not feasible. On the other hand, you know that a bachelor's degree would enhance your future job success and earnings. It is in this regard that college and universities are now making it possible to acquire a college degree online.

Once you have made the decision to pursue your degree, take the time to study all the options available. There is a vast amount of information about obtaining your online degree. In addition, numerous colleges and universities now offer degrees and course study online. If you wish to pursue your bachelor degree online, be sure that the school is accredited. An accredited college or university means that the state's guidelines have been met and the degree is deemed credible. Therefore, learn as much as possible about the school and the perquisites for a bachelor's degree.

Advantages of pursuing an online degree are endless. There is no commute to school, no need to shuffle classes or reshuffle your life in order to attend a particular class, no requirement to live on campus, etc. However, you will need to stay disciplined at home to get your course work done. In addition to the discipline, you will need a quite place to work at home.

Because of the importance of this matter, I will repeat again that the school and the courses you select to pursue your bachelor's degree online are accredited. The online degree industry has become a big business over the last 5 years or so and it would be a shame to waste your time and money for a degree that is not accredited. On the other hand, if you wish to expand your education just for the sake of learning, then accreditation will not make a difference.

Now is the time to improve your chances of landing a better job, better earnings or even change your career. Your future and success is in your own hands and there is no excuse for not pursing a college or university degree online. Classes and course material are usually delivered by way of computer, but don't worry if you are not computer savvy. All you will need is a computer and an internet connection to get you started.

Successfully dealing with a Group Discussion

The Group Discussion or the GD forms an integral part of the recruitment and selection process. In the absence of the GD, written tests are followed by the interview in an attempt to select the best candidate for the job.

A Group Discussion refers to an open discussion on a thought provoking market research topic or a case study by a group of persons. Each member of the group takes part in the discussion and attempts to analyse the topic of discussion by bringing forward their thoughts on the matter.

A few observers too, form a part of the group and their job is to see how each member is contributing to the discussion. Such a GD is very helpful in getting insights on each member's personality, confidence and their ability to put thoughts across when communicating with others.

Here are some useful points that can help in successfully dealing with a Group Discussion -

1) Portray effectively your communication skills and your ability to contribute to the discussion.

2) Be alert - listen carefully to what others are saying and voice your opinion on the matter with confidence and calm.

3) Be genuinely interested - Don't be physically present and mentally absent.

4) It is a good habit to note down highlights of the discussion as it unfolds so that you can present your final thoughts on what has been discussed.

5) No matter how deep you are into the discussion, never shout or undermine what others may be saying. The trick is to make your point pleasantly and calmly in a way that others can't help but listen.

6) It is okay to differ from someone else's point of view. You are here to think independently while listening to various points of view and then presenting your thoughts even if they are different from others.

All the best!

21st Century Academy Re-defines The Way Education Is Served

We can be all thankful for the introduction of the internet. The entry of the internet has redefined the way we do out every day life, our communications, the way we do business and even the way we learn. The technology has revolutionized the way we learn as this technology brought down the usual barriers.

The physical barriers plus the distance barriers have been taken down and in the end; it is us who gets to take all the benefits. Just take education; with the internet around the way to get education has been give a whole new meaning. Now to learn and to get education does not only mean going to established schools and universities and attend classes for one semester and another semester in order to get the diploma. With the presence of the internet, people are looking for a 21st Century Education and this is exactly what is promoted by the 21st century Academy.

This academy is the brainchild of Jamie McIntyre. He is a successful Australian who strives hard in order to make a difference in the quality of life of those around him and the other people from all corners of the world. He is considered as a ‘Success Coach’ and being a life coach has allowed him to travel to many parts of the world sharing what he knows and imparting knowledge and guiding people on how they can live their lives well. He speaks based on experience as he is already a self-made millionaire in his twenties. He is a man of many talents- he is an entrepreneur, a speaker, an author, an investor and even a climate change campaigner. And his many accomplishments will speak for himself.

The academy was established as a way to effectively bring practical life education to many self directed learners. For those looking for real-life education as given by those who have experienced many things in life, then this academy is one place to check out. The academy anchors its many learning through the fusion of personal empowerment and wealth strategies with a unique and helpful education program.

The academy has been in the business of education for the past decade now and known as that one-stop shop for that necessary personal and financial empowerment and services. For more than a decade it has educated more than 250,000 people from many parts of the world. The academy runs many programs and seminars that can benefit the self-learners. And one such program of the academy is the 21st Century Seminars which include the following.

• ‘4 Day Education for Life’
• ‘Internet and Business’
• ‘Women’s Academy’
• ‘Property and Share’

These seminars are manned by expert educators in their field who present advanced personal and financial strategies. The academy is also known for the 21st Century Education Memberships and this is considered as the core education offered by jthe group. In this education services, there will be a Homestudy Program course and a 5-10 year membership.

Just implement these 5 Ideas and Build A Perfect Team At Work

The key success to build a perfect team is to execution of plans. An effective action always gives result when it executes well. The performance of employees always leads to success for any company or organization. The success of any organization also need how well the employees are motivated. One motivational factor for an employee must be by watching top level managers. The managers some times set example to boost employee’s moral by telling them their journey towards success and showing them the path of success. The team leader also plays an important role for the team’s motivation by communicating the message among the members.

There are just 5 ideas as follows which may work for you to build a best team at work.

1. Specific and objectives - The assigned task to the employee must be very specific. Each and every member of the team must understand and should have the knowledge about the objectives of the task assigned to them. The team members lead to success of the organization if they understand the objectives and the purpose of the work given to them. This keeps employees to feel comfortable and confident about their involvement to the overall success of the organization.

2. Performance Rewards – In every organization, employees work for their self interest and their interests come in their mind first. It is basic human character and no body is exceptional. So, they wish to get some rewards for their performance.

3. Right people for Recruitment – Recruiting right candidate are an important part for any organization’s growth. It really helps the senior personals in the work process. The benefits like on time work done, less conflicts within the team, smooth working process and co-operation among the members must be observed in the team. A unit of quality team members always produces quality work and ultimately increases the market value for the company.

4. Set basic rules for work – Set a target and dead line for each and every employee in work process so that each member must have better idea how much time to get that work done. Let them decide the priority for work but the mind set must be getting the work done in time. This process surly minimizes conflicts and useless gossips.

5. Appreciations & Promote Need – Appreciations always leads to good performance, so on the basis of performance it is necessary to promote employee at the work process. Assigning to supervise the task and guiding the same task assigned to the co-workers will boost the employee confidence and motivate other employees to show their ability. It is a better idea to drop an appreciation mail to all the employees and let them know that one team member has performed more than expectations.

The Secrets Of Employment Screening

Are you the hiring Manager? Do you do employment screening before you hire someone? Not all companies have the resources and talent to do these types of screening. For the safety of your company and the employee prospective employee background checks are important. Use these tips to hone your skills in doing background checking.

Start with a good application form. This form should be designed by someone knowledgeable in background checks. It is this form that will give you your start in background checking. You need the right applicant’s answers before starting your screening.

The first thing you need to do is a Social Security Check. This is a powerful employment screening tactic. Order this check to authenticate the applicant’s Social Security. This check can reveal all past addresses and aliases. Many people steal other people’s Social Security number.

Once you have new addresses or alias, you can check the employment criminal background check and driving record with the new address or new names. This gives you a more accurate picture of what the prospective employee is like.

After you have gathered the information from the Social, Criminal, and Driving Records compare it to the application filled out by the individual. If some things don’t match, then you should talk to the individual and ask why the difference. Many times they will not remember that they had made some changes in their past with names or addresses.

Now you have to do a pre employment screening credit check. You will be able to order a credit check that is related to employment. This report does not show account numbers or other data that is not needed for an employment decision.

To do a Criminal History Search you need a birth date. You can not legal ask for this on your application. One way to do this search is to do it after the applicant is hired. Your hiring agreement should state that his employment status is based on passing the criminal history search.

Make sure you get past supervisor and co-worker names. You can get more information from these individuals than you can from Human Resources. The Human Resource Department can only give a limited amount of information to avoid being sued.

Now you have collected a lot of information by doing this employment screening background check. Your start for this check is your application form. Don’t use a standard application form. Use one create by an expert in background checking. Remember to start by checking their Social Security, Criminal Record, Drivers license, then Credit report. If you want a more complete applicant screening consider using a pre employment screening services.

Five Effective Work Habits For Fresh Graduates

Being new in the working world, I am sure you are eager to show off your newfound skills and knowledge. However, out there in the working world some basic work effective habits can increase your productivity. By being consistently effective at your work increases your chances of success in your career.

The 5 effective work habits are:

1. Volunteer For Assignments

One of the best ways to signal that you are a keen learner and are not afraid of hard work is to volunteer for assignments. Especially assignments that no one seems interested to do. However, before that do assess your own skills and knowledge to see if you can confidently accomplish it. If you are confident in completing the task in full and perfection, go ahead and volunteer for it.
However, do remember one thing. Under promise and over deliver on the assignment you volunteered. Do not be too confident that you turn a perfect opportunity into mess. Once you start the project, see it till the end. You would be seen as someone who is courageous enough to take on additional assignments. You would also be seen as someone who follows through in your work. This is the first habit you need to internalize.

2. Be Nice To People

I am sure we have all heard this often enough. Be nice to people regardless of their rank and designation. It sounds philosophical but when you are nice to people they go out of their way to help you. And being new in an organization you would never know what sort of help you would need. Colleagues often like to work with nice talented people. When you have this effective work habit you increase the chances of people wanting you to work on their team.
Being nice to people is just common courtesy. There is nothing extra ordinary about this particular habit that you need special skills. A smile in the morning and a “Good Morning” is a good start. In this day and age, people working in pressurized environments often use stress as an excuse when they blow up. Is this necessary? Nice is often reciprocated by nice. In fact, it can lower your stress level.

3. Prioritize Your Work

We all love to start work on things that are close to our hearts. However, often these may not be the most urgent and important in our list of tasks in the workplace. When you select things you are more interested in rather than work that is more important or urgent, you lower your chances of success.
Have a list of things to do according to its strategic importance to your company. Know your role in completing the tasks at hand in order to achieve that corporate goal. When you prioritize your work, you are more productive and that increases your chances of career success.

4. Stay Positive

As someone new in the working world it is very easy to feel down because you are new. You are not used to the work system. You have new people to deal with and people in the working world who behave very differently from school. It takes a lot of getting used to. There will be office politics to deal with regardless of how little.
Be above all these and stay positive in the face of challenges. When you are positive you remain focused on your goals. You make better decisions and therefore become more productive.

5. Highlight A Problem But Bring Solutions

The last effective work habit of the five effective work habits is to bring solutions each time you highlight a problem to your boss or management. You need to remember that when you bring problems and not solutions, it is often construed as complaining.
To avoid that label, offer solutions. A range of possible solutions also indicates to your boss that you have thought this through before approaching him/her with a problem. Have in mind a recommended solution amongst those you suggested.
These are the 5 effective work habits I constantly drill into new employees who are fresh graduates in our company. At first glance, these may seem like common sense. However, in actual working environment people tend to sometimes forget these very basic effective work habits. And don't practice them often enough. Internalize these and consistently practice them to increase your chances of success.

Can Your Cover Letter Create An Impact?

The Cover Letter is an important document that is usually sent along with the CV when applying for a job - whether advertised or mentioned by a contact. It is a very important letter that can be used to introduce yourself and show your interest in applying for the vacant position.

When writing a Cover Letter, remember to make it crisp, concise, impressive and interesting.

Your Cover Letter must be able to arouse an interest in the employer to read your resume and call you for an interview.

For your cover letter to make an impact, you should remember the following tips -

1.Keep it short and to the point.
2.Use a standard font style such as Arial or Times New Roman
3.Project your interest in working for the Company and taking up the job.
4.Mention clearly the position applied for and your skills for handling the job well.
5.Use an original format as opposed to a common Cover Letter template which is used by every other job seeker.
6.Address the Cover Letter to the most appropriate person as mentioned in the advertisement.

From College Campus To Corporate Climate

When the last days of your college life approach and you are about to graduate, the most prominent thought that would be playing on your mind is about getting your first job. While students begin to get nostalgic about their last days at college and stat cherishing the memories of time spent at college, the pre-dominant remains about starting their career.

It is the most important stage of life where a completely new beginning awaits you. The fun and carefree time of the college life would be replaced by the responsibility and worries of finding a job. The friends and the chit-chat with them would soon be replaced by colleagues and professional talk. The college canteen environment would soon be replaced by to-the-point office environment.

So, how do you cope with this transition to get settled in your first job? This is a question that every student encounters when he/she begins the career path. With a little help and advice, you can settle down well at your workplace even without any experience to boast about. You might have to restrain yourself in the beginning but that does not mean that you become a different person. Your workplace will be the place to shine your personality and hone your existent skills. If you use the opportunities presented at the workplace well, you will really succeed in making a mark on your first job.

In college, you were expected to absorb knowledge and you spent years doing just that. Tests and exams were conducted every now and then and based on your understanding and knowledge you were judged. At your professional life, you would be expected to put that knowledge to practical use and how well you can do that will define your success at your job. Tests would not be occasional. In fact, everyday would be like a new test and your performance and conduct would be under the scanner each day by your seniors and supervisors. There may not be any formal exams but you would be working under tight deadlines most of the time and there would be little scope of error as your work would also impact the work of others if you are working in a team. Welcome to your first fresher job .

Now, to make the right first impression in your first job and to live up to that impression you would need to pump in a lot of effort initially. A little advice can help you here as you would be naïve first. These small tips might sound insignificant but the fact remains that they will go a long way in cementing your position in your first job. These tips are about your general behavior and conduct at office and are not work-specific so they can apply to all fresher jobs across industries.

The first golden rule is that you remain punctual. Always arrive at the workplace on time. If you are seen as a latecomer, you might lose initial respect in the eyes of your boss and co-workers. Stick to a fixed lunch hour and do not spend too much time taking breaks. Do not be seen around wasting time on personal calls or just chatting away. Second ting that you keep in mind is to dress appropriately. If there is a particular dress code at your workplace, follow it strictly. If the dressing sense is relaxed, make sure you still dress up decently and not like you are going to a college. Don’t wear too casual or holiday-mood kind of clothes.

Another important thing that you must remember is that listening is a bigger virtue than speaking. So, listen, listen and still listen more. Don’t start throwing in your suggestions and comments till you have fully understood how things work at your office. Learn the rope of the game and observe as much as you can to understand how things have been working so far. If you start suggesting changes from the word go, you might come across as a threat to your fellow workers. So, be mindful of that.

Avoid office gossip and mind your manners and etiquette at all times. Look around for a mentor under whose guidance you can learn and prosper in your career. Be inquisitive and ask questions to learn more. There is no harm in asking relevant questions. Following these small tips, you will get settled in the corporate culture and get a good head start for yourself. Thus, your first job will become a perfect launch pad for your career.

Spa and Resort management as a career

Job vacancies in spas and resorts are increasing dramatically due to the continuous growing demand for physical beauty and an extravagant lifestyle. Although no basic qualifications are necessary to enter in this profession, a formal training program will help you to acquire a better pay and position. There are numerous job opportunities available in this field, ranging from manicurist -pedicurists specialists to masseurs and therapists to cosmetologists. Beside these positions, you can also apply for positions such as electrologists, skincare specialists and beauticians.

There are numerous beauty schools offering training programs and courses that will help you to build a career in this field of hospitality. While working in a spa, you can also enroll in other courses related to the spa. BLUE%20MOUNTAINS%20HOTEL%20&%20MANAGEMENT%20SCHOOL-1 This will only help you to grow in your career. Job Requirements As a spa professional, your main objective will be to provide your client with supreme royal treatment and ultimate pampering. In order to do a satisfactory job, you should also be able enjoy what you are doing. If you are able to satisfy your customer completely, only then can you expect them to return to your spa, time and again. People go to spas in search of peace and revival of the body, mind and soul; and return back to the real world rejuvenated.

As a spa professional, it is not only your duty but also your responsibility to ensure that the customer attains complete "nirvana". Your disposition should reflect positive energy and your vibrant spirit should be able to immediately put the customer at ease. As your job profile largely requires you to provide healing through touch therapy, do not let other aspects of your life interfere with your work, otherwise this will hinder your performance. Popularity And Future Of The Spa Industry The spa and resort industry is growing at an alarming rate and very soon will be the global retreat choice for millions of people, all over the world. They are famous and renowned for providing natural remedies and therapeutic water treatments like "balneotherapy". The concept originated from the Belgium town of Spa where people with iron deficiencies were given ferruginous water to drink.

However, in today's modern world it has a broader scope. Depending on the treatments provided, spas can be categorized as destination spa, a health spa, a day spa or a spa town. As with any other job, you also need to seriously consider the positive as well as negative aspects of a career in the spa industry. Better still, you could consult a career counselor to guide you. As a spa specialist, you will be highly appreciated for providing relief to people from their daily grind, but there will be times when you too will need to take a break and unwind in the spa. Although managing a spa can prove to be quite tedious at times, it is a very rewarding and enriching profession as you are not only acclaimed for your miraculous healings but also get a chance to interact with the rich and famous from all over the world.

Building a Successful Career

Lots of working professionals fail to realize that the small mistakes they make in their everyday work schedule can severely hurt their career in the long run. 110661 There are no hard rules for being successful but there are a few simple mantras that every employee can follow to build a successful and long lasting career.

Here are a few to get you started -

• Plan and Aim high – Set personal goals for yourself on a regular basis. Look back on how you have done over the past few weeks. Set targets for yourself and try top achieve them.

• Prioritize – Work schedules can go haywire if you fail to prioritize. Make it a habit to spend a few minutes every morning and make a list of all the tasks that need to be finished today. Once you have a target in mind, it becomes easier to work towards achieving it.

• Build & Maintain Contacts – Whichever field you may be in professionally, it helps to network and maintain strong contacts with other professionals in your field. It will help you to get insights about your industry.

• Take Regular Breaks – Make efforts to improve and enhance your productivity at work. If you feel too stressed out, take a break and rejuvenate yourself. Go for a vacation or join yoga classes to deal with work related stress.

• Keep your Resume current & Relevant – Review and update your resume regularly. This will help you to be prepared when the need arises to apply for a new job. If you exceed some difficult targets, mention it in your resume asap – a great way to keep your resume current.

Interpersonal Communication: How to communicate effectively

Each of us communicates with each other during the day to get the work done. Communication is the lifeblood of any individual today. Communication may take the form of talking, listening, arguing, exchanging ideas, thoughts and opinions etc.peopletalking

Effective Interpersonal Communication and its importance can never be undermined.

What exactly is Interpersonal Communication?

The communication which takes place between individuals on face to face basis is termed as Interpersonal Communication. In such a communication, the ability to put thoughts across effectively is of paramount importance and this is where strong communication skills come into play.

In the face of stiff competition in almost all spheres of life, your ability to voice your opinion, communicate and present your side of the story takes center stage. Strong communication skills can help you when you are a part of a Group Discussion, face an interview or when you are in a position of authority. A person with strong interpersonal skills is filled with self belief & confidence & experiences an unstoppable drive to excel and face any situation head on!

Communication Skills can be improved by:

1)Take tips and learn from people who you consider effective speakers and communicators.
2)Take every opportunity that comes your way to communicate with people and discuss your ideas, views and thoughts on different topics.
3)Listen to effective speakers like the news readers on television and radio.
4)Discuss current affairs and any other topic that interests you with your family members, friends etc.

Not all of us are born confident - However, by putting in some efforts and working towards it, you can sharpen your interpersonal communication skills and gain confidence in yourself. As they say - practice makes perfect - believe in yourself and your abilities - keep on working towards your goal of becoming an effective communicator.

Confidence is gained through experience. However, by putting in some efforts and working towards it, you can sharpen your interpersonal communication skills and gain confidence in yourself. Believe in yourself and your abilities. In order to become an effective communicators keep working hard towards your goal. Remember this line, which says, “ Practice makes a man perfect”. So perfection in any field can only be achieved by practicing hard.

30 advantages of Reading

1)     It is a wonderful experience.

2) You are in an intellectual environment.

3) Helps you feel more confident.

4) Takes you to a world of 'dreams'.

5) Brings about a personality change.

6) It can change your life and vision.

7) Draws you towards perfection.

8) It stimulates creativity.

9) Brings out your writing instincts.

10) Builds vocabulary.

11) Helps in achieving life's goals.

12) Increase comprehension.

13) It clears your vision.

14) It is contagious.

15) It satisfies your curiosity.

16) Helps you make more choices.

17) It makes you grow.

18) It increases your attention span.

19) It doesn't require any special device.

20) It doesn't require company.

21) Helps build literacy.

22) Fruitful pastime.

23) Stress buster.

24) Removes illiteracy.

25) Travel across time.

26) Keeps you updated with facts and figures.

27) Spreads knowledge.

28) Intellectually satisfying activity.

29) Provides spiritual experience.

30) Life long learning tool.

How to choose the right company during campus recruitment

Most of the institutes invites a lot of small, medium and large sized Companies for Campus Recruitment in which the company selects from among some of the students who are eligible and are right candidate for their job.

In such a situation, it is observed that many students become very confused with regard to the Company they should finally join from among the numerous offers they have received.

Various factors are responsible for this confusion - the biggest being the impressive presentations arranged by every visiting Company. In the midst of information overload, students may find it impossible to make a balanced decision - a decision that will affect their career paths.

In order to reduce this confusion, make a balanced decision and locate the best Company, students should work towards finding answers to some crucial questions. These include -

  • The growth rate of the Company
  • Its position in the market
  • The Company's selection procedure and reporting system
  • The position on offer including - the job responsibilities, role and opportunities for growth in the future.
  • The place of work and the degree of traveling involved.

Before making a final decision, you must ask yourself

  • whether you find the job content suitable?
  • Do you see yourself liking what you are going to do?
  • Would you be able to fill the role being offered to you effectively?
  • You may also want to consider the size of the Company - small, medium or large.

The decision you take will effect your career and your future , so take your time and do your homework by finding out and researching the Company and its current position.

List of Top Commerce colleges on India

1. Shri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) Delhi
2. Loyola College, Chennai
3. Christ College Bangalore
4. Symbiosis Society’s College of Arts & Commerce, Pune
5. St Joseph’s College, Bangalore
6. Lady Shri Ram College, Delhi
7. St Xavier’s College, Kolkata
8. Madras Christian College , Chennai,
9. Presidency College, Chennai
10. Hans Raj College
11. St.Xavier’s College, Mumbai
12. Pragathi Mahavidyalaya, Hyderabad
13. Christian College, Lucknow
14. St.Xavier’s College, Kolkata
15. Stella Maris College, Chennai
16. Narsee Monjee College
17. BM College of Commerce, Pune
18. Indian Institute of Management & Commerce, Hyderabad
19. Hans Raj College, Delhi
20. RA Poddar College, Mumbai
21. HA College of Commerce, Ahmedabad
22. St.Joseph’s College, Banglore
23. Hindu College, Delhi
24. HL College of Commerce, Ahmedabad
25. Jesus & Mary College,Delhi
26. Mount Carmel College, Banglore
27. Sydenham College, Mumbai
28. Maharaja Agrasen College
29. Kamla Nehru College
30. Delhi College of Arts & Commerce
31. University of Delhi
33. Bhagini Nivedita College
34. Mata Sundari College for Women

Career Options for Commerce Graduates

1) Banking
With the coming of private, foreign banks and financial institutions like ICICI, IDBI and HDFC into banking sectors, banking as a career option has opened huge opportunities to youngsters.

2) Mutual Fund
As an integral part of capital markets, mutual funds provide multiple career options to graduates of different background in public and private sector mutual funds.
3) Insurance
Find all about career options and opportunities in Insurance sector in India.

4) Chartered Accountancy
Chartered Accountancy/CA provides a variety of options ranging from joining a company or doing private consultancy in Financial Accounting, Auditing, Cost Accounting and Tax Management.

5) Cost and Work Accountancy
Cost and Work Accountants/CWA can seek to get employment in private enterprises, government sector, banking and finance sector, developmental agencies etc.

6) Company Secretary
A Company Secretary can aspire to be employed in public and private sectors banks, financial institutions, stock exchanges and company law boards.

7) Career in Capital Market
Capital Markets offer wide job opportunities for graduates and professionals as agent/advisor, share broker, fund manager etc.

Flight Catering: A good Career Option

There is an ample scope for young graduates in the field of ‘Flight Catering’. Here they will learn how to match both luxury and efficiency for the benefit of airlines, for whom food is a top priority.

Food hygiene is the most critical aspect of airline catering. An aircraft is like a restaurant in the air, with people from all over the world coming together from different backgrounds. Though people from Asian countries have developed a good deal of resistance, most others are used to sterile conditions. With the result that on a seven to eight hours flight, an attack of food poisoning could be fatal with no ready medical help available at 30,000 ft in the air. Which is why airlines insist on menus that follow specific safety standards and local availability of ingredients, as well as caterers complying with HACCP/International Hygiene codes.

The airline food industry assumes great significance as a result of the increasing number of passengers, for whom market strategies must be consistently reviewed so as to maintain this Rs 250 crore industry.

Basic Qualification Required:

· Graduate in Hotel Management with specialization in Food &
Beverage are mostly preferred.
· A minimum year of service in various hotel sector is also essential
· Graduates in Home Science & Food & Nutrition can also apply having
some years of experience in catering.

Below are some details of where each sector do catering services for different airlines

There are three main Flight Kitchens operating in India:

British Airways, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Lufthansa, Northwest Airlines, Thai International, Gulf Air, Qatar Airways and Aeroflot
·Number of meals prepared per day:
New Delhi: 5,000
Mumbai: 4,600

Indian Airlines, Air India, Lufthansa, Swiss, Saudi, Asian, Austrian Airlines and Air Lanka
·Number of meals prepared per day:
New Delhi: 4,500
Mumbai: 5,000

Air India, Indian Airlines, Air France, Air Mauritius, Jet Airways, Cathay Pacific, Sahara Airlines, Kuwait Airways, Singapore Airlines, Virgin Atlantic and China Air
·Number of meals prepared per day:
New Delhi: 10,000
Mumbai: 15,000

Common Interview Questions..!! What Do they really means????


You've probably been on quite a few job interviews in your career, and you know that there are certain questions that every hiring manager seems to ask. Because you've heard them so often, you feel you can practically answer them in your sleep.

But, Are you sure that you are providing best possible answers?

A simple question in an interview can have many hidden layers of meanings. To answer those One’s you should understand what is the interviewer really hoping to learn when he or she asks why you want to work for the firm?

Let Us review some important regular interview questions which you're likely to hear the next time you meet with a prospective employer and insight into the qualities employers may be assessing with each one. Armed with this information, you can get to the heart of what a potential employer truly wants to know.

Tell me about yourself?

This is a classic open-ended question. It is a chance for you to divulge your qualifications, skills and background. Do not waffle - keep it to one or two minutes and keep it mostly career and work orientated.

How would you describe your own personality? What adjectives would you use to describe yourself?

Again relate your personality to the job at hand, and the skills you bring to the position. Examples include - hardworking, honest and courteous. Expand why these qualities are relevant to the position.

Why do you want to work here?

This actually means that, "How much do you know about this company, and why are you hoping to work here instead of for one of our competitors?" When answering this question, mention specifics. You might note, for example, that you're excited by the firm's cutting-edge research, a recent merger or the company's corporate social responsibility programs. A detailed response will tell the interviewer that you are interested in more than just a paycheck. At the same time, showing that you've done your research lets the hiring manager know that you came prepared and are serious about the opportunity.

What are your strengths?

Actually it means that, "How have you used your strengths to add value to your employer?" The interviewer wants to know how the particular talents you bring to the table will benefit the firm if you're hired, so put your best qualities in context.

Would you rather work alone or in a team?

This means that,  "Can you work with minimal direction?" and "Can you describe a time when you worked with a colleague or group to solve a workplace challenge?" Managers seek individuals who can take the ball and run with it. They may not always have the time to walk you through a project step-by-step, so you need to be able to work autonomously and devise solutions on your own.

Why do you want this job?

Again, research the company and say what attracts you to the job.

Why should I hire you?

You should clarify your positive attributes that are related to the job and draw on past achievements including compliments from previous managers etc

How much are you looking for?

Well do not discuss about salary, and to leave it to the recruitment consultants as they have experience in salary negotiations every day. However, if you do have to answer, answer with a question such as: "what is the salary range of similar jobs within your organization?" If there is no response, then indicate what you think you are worth in the market place. Be aware this puts you into a trap of being offered the lowest end of the scale.

By knowing what types of responses interviewers truly seek with seemingly simple questions, you give yourself a much better chance of impressing the hiring manager. After all, he or she has probably gotten used to hearing the same responses over and over again. Distinguish yourself with a response that gets to the heart of the matter

Career Confused???? Don't worry read this....

Confusion”…, it simply resembles to a mental state in which behavior of a person is characterized by a lack of clear and organized thought. When confused, we feel it very difficult to pay attention on anything and suffer a lack of ability to think and act correctly and make decisions. But your career is no softy matter that you can leave to fortune.

Penalty of Confusion over Career matter

For many of us in our late childhood and also for those who are in the age of 25 to 34 years, career options looks like a grand jigsaw puzzle.

But if this puzzle is not resolved in appropriate time then it gradually ends up in wrong jobs and targets, especially for teenagers and fresh graduates. They may also fail in getting a job altogether. But those who are already working may feel like they are not moving anywhere and their careers have arrived at their ends.

What to Do To Come Out Of the Confusion????

Identifying your real passion or subject that truly excites you and you feel you are already conversant with the subject is the best way to face up to career confusion. Creating a career involves a thought process that broadly follows somewhat this path:

  1. Mess Out your Negative Thoughts: You should say bye-bye to the negative attitudes like “I can’t face strangers” or “I may not face up to the challenge in the new job” are fetters that tie you to a place which is so down in the industry. These are just your fears, either genuinely due to lack of skill or because of a false lowliness complex.
  2. Take Stock of Your qualities: Confusion also generates because of expectations of your parents, relatives or spouses. You need to refine your interests, strengths and weaknesses. Give instincts their due credit but have a matter-of-fact evaluation of what you can realistically do.
  3. Every Dog Has His Day: Sometimes, you will simply have to just wait for your turn. Have faith that you are worth your salt. You can’t change what will or what has already happened;
  4. Discuss through Your own Career Options: Follow a similar sequence of thought process using logic. Choosing a career from a handful of options is like choosing a shirt from hundreds of them.
  5. Try Counseling: A professional counselor can systematically talk you through your confusion through counseling and career guidance sessions. Career counselors are professionals who understand your problems and can provide the right direction. A visit to career websites can give you some direction to pursue.
  6. Get Some Experience: Getting experience in the career of your choice not just brings you closer to your dream job but improves your confidence level. Take up an internship, work hard and pay your dues. This helps build the skills which you need the most.

Writing a CV / Resume that stand out

When you apply to a job opening there would be dozen other candidates applying for the same post. So, how do you ensure your resume stands out from the pile? What is it that companies look for while short-listing candidates? Here is a lowdown.

An entry- level resume

Highlight your non-academic achievements too: At entry-level when you have no industry experience, underscore your other achievements. "Highlight projects that you have done, awards you have bagged and companies you have interned with," says Rajesh AR, VP, temp staffing unit, TeamLease Services.

Companies also give high rating if they see you are a team person and enjoy good inter-personal relationships. So, if you are part of student's associations or an NGO, stress on these points. Of course, academics is the first thing that recruiters see, but extra curricular excellence does count.

Talk only about business interest: Trash the habit of mentioning interests like singing, dancing, music, swimming, painting or astrology. That's a complete passe. "Talk only about your business interest," says Sunil Kalra, consultant to a leading HR firm. And be well prepared. If you say your interest lies in reading, "Then know the book inside, out, upside, down," emphasises Kalra.

Gain proficiency in a professional area: While studying, gain competency in an area that will hold you in good stead in your professional career. Learn basic computer skills. Having done that, move on to adding other skills like Coral Draw if you want to get into computer graphics or learn accounting software Tally if you see your future in accounting.

A mid-level executive's resume

Flexibility and responsibility: When you have gained 3-4 years of experience, review your CV. For a person with 2-4 year's of experience and more, the thrust shifts on industry knowledge and his adaptability in the organisation, among other qualities. "At this stage, cultural fit is given more importance, flexible approach matters and the learning starts playing an important role", says Rajesh AR. The organisation sees if you have been flexible in previous roles and whether you are prepared for a new responsibility.

Personal initiatives: The companies also see the personal initiatives that you have taken to add on to your skill and knowledge base. While it hints your progressive mindset, "It also subtly, positively speaks of your career consciousness", says Kalra. Candidates should highlight those events where their ideas have been implemented; their analytical skills have been applauded.

Other must-dos

Be specific: If you are applying for a position in sales and marketing vertical, a requirement which is across industries, should you tailor your CV every time? Not really. Just be specific and highlight the best fit experiences.

Remain updated: Be aware of the news and current affairs. "Read newspapers", advises Rajesh AR. Read business writers. Focus more on your field

Communication skills: Work on your verbal communication skills and writing skills. Prior to the interview, prepare a list of questions that a recruiter might ask, write down the answers and read it aloud to yourself. Keep your answers to the point. Use these pointers and rest assured you will get an interview call no sooner your CV reaches the recruiter.

Blunderous CVs head to dustbin: be careful

Recession is in, jobs are a rarity, but applicants are plenty. In such a cut throat race the need to have an error free CV (Curriculum Vitae) is very important. "Candidates today are trying to make their resumes different and impressive, so that they stand out. In the process, they end up making major blunders. A badly written resume ends up in the dustbin, completely knocking out the candidate's chance of getting a job," says Surabhi Mathur Gandhi, General Manager, Permanent Staffing, Team Lease Services.


A recent research done by Team Lease Services, a staffing company found that 90 percent of the randomly selected 500 CVs had 'some or the other form of error.' With piles of job applications available to HR managers, it is doubtful if erroneous CVs would be entertained.

Here are few of the top blunders made in a resume:

1. Biography: Marital Status - Yes
2. I laugh easily, but do not suffer fools gladly. I expect the same effort as others as I give myself.
3. Weakness: Fresher
4. Interests: Open to learn, make others laugh and feel happy, enjoys the nature.
5. Family details: Father - Death
6. Objective: To always spread positively within the branch and reduce the grape vine.
7. Notice Period: Minimum two (1) month.
8. Career Objective: To consistently develop by learning and sharing skills with a focus on the ultimate objective in order to achieve higher goals in conjunction with the growth of the organization and to set a name and be recognized in the industry.
9. Marital Status: Marriage
10. Profile: To prepare the whole film production plane and financing plane.
11. Contact Email:
12. Areas of strength: My background to date has been centered on grooming myself as a well-rounded person.
13. I am quietly forceful, original and sensitive.
14. Languages known: English (Good), Malayalam (Native), Hindi and Tamil.
15. Career Objective: Seeking a final placement in any organization to utilize the plethora of skills I have developed during my whole career.

The study revealed that many resumes are written in great haste and no attention is paid to detail. Candidates in an attempt to impress go overboard and consequently make a mockery of their bio-data. "The situation worsens when candidates make silly mistakes due to sheer oversight and sometimes overconfidence. A CV is the first piece of information about a candidate that reaches the potential recruiter. It is always advisable to have one's bio-data proof read and checked by professionals, or someone proficient in English," adds Surabhi.
So, is your CV blunder free?

Is IT still good career option?

This is the era of Information Technology (IT). The IT sector is an important and most probably, the fastest growing business sector in the world and offers many job opportunities. A key driver of the growth in the IT industry is that technology has made life incredibly convenient. You cannot be present everywhere, but with networking and communications; you can always stay in contact with your other business associates.

Speedy growth of the IT Sector in India

India has built up valuable brand globally in IT. The IT industry in India began to evolve in the early nineties when foreign companies set up their offshore operations in India. India has emerged as the most preferred destination for IT-enabled services (ITES) and business process outsourcing (BPO).

What makes IT “hot”?
At the moment many youngsters view a career in IT as the ultimate job. It could be owing to the high salary that would bring the lifestyle one craves for.

Your life path is often determined by the career choice you make. Before considering a career in IT, ask yourself what a career in IT means to you, what is your reason for choosing IT as a career? Here are a few points which help you consider whether IT is a hot career choice.

IT professionals are among the highest paid in the world.

Although the economic factor comes into play when making a career decision, it shouldn’t be the sole determining factor. It is unwise to think of your career exclusively for the purpose of making you wealthy.

You can work in a fast-paced, dynamic environment at the forefront of technology.

Do you want to work in IT because it is a well-respected profession – “Career of the intellect?” But at the same time, are you willing to take up the challenges of IT knowing fully well that technology evolves at a rapid pace?

IT throws open opportunities in other sectors.

IT with its immense diversity truly is the engine of globalization. It increases your opportunity to work with IT professionals across the globe.

IT is a field that emphasizes knowledge.

Do you have the zeal to learn new things? IT invariably offers you opportunities to learn. Since the IT field is a constantly changing field, lifelong learning should excite you.

There is no doubt that the scope of IT is quite wide. This scope is expanding through a phenomenal growth in the usage of Internet, advances in technology and increasing global dependence on IT. How passionate and committed are you to a career in IT? Is it a passion that you can sustain when you come across hurdles? In the IT field, you will have both opportunities and challenges that come your way. It is your passion that can make both the opportunities and challenges work for your benefit.

Will it stay “hot”?
Having asked yourself what makes IT hot, the next question would be will it stay hot and why? You got to think critically about this.

The IT revolution has resulted in a demand for IT professionals growing tremendously over the past two decades. The IT industry continues to be one of the largest employers. Further emerging trends will bring profound opportunities for IT companies to create new services, new experiences and new relationships globally.

The challenges in a booming IT sector

As the U.S. market is most dominant and Indian IT companies are primarily dollar dependent, IT companies are under tremendous pressure. The rupee appreciation is denting profit margins of the IT companies. It is also likely to affect the jobs of IT professionals. With regards to employment, the companies will be keen to hire the right mix of resources with different levels of experience and skills. On the other hand, IT companies will perceive the rising rupee not as a threat but a motivation that would drive their IT professionals towards superior innovation and increased efficiency.

To sum it up, IT happens to be one of the hot fields today. The IT sector with its challenges, continuous learning and the ability to lift the energy levels of individuals makes it far more exciting than any other profession.

Common mistakes to avoid in resume writing

Writing your CV is a much more challenging task than you would initially expect before you start putting it together. The challenge though is not about things you do not need to include; it is more about things you should include and presenting them the right way.

What you need to know is that your CV does not have to be tremendously creative to get noticed. A simple listing of your experience and qualifications will suffice. What you do need to do, however, is pay attention to the details and avoid  common mistakes.

This article is an attempt to help you dodge these pitfalls while you write the most important document of your career.

CV or Curriculum Vitae at the top

You don't need to mention CV or Curriculum Vitae on the top. Some people might argue, how would recruiters know that it's a CV until you give it a heading? This can be explained with a simple example. Do you see "Newspaper" written as the heading of your daily paper? No, still as soon as you see a newspaper, you know what it is. Similarly when recruiters see a CV, they know it's a CV.

Flashy fonts and images

Your CV is a formal document. Avoid attempting to make it decorative with flashy fonts and images. These might be helpful only if you are applying for a creative position with some magazine, publisher or advertising company.

Explaining gap in employment

The CV is not the place to explain the gap you have in your employment. If you have a gap in your employment, focus your CV more on your experience and achievements rather than where you have been for how long. Such things are better explained at the personal meeting with interviewer.

Contact information

Provide your contact information in a easily noticeable spot on your CV since this is the first thing your prospective employer will look if they like your CV. Provide a phone number where you are reachable rather than providing the contact details of your parents. Employers want to speak to you and doing this may cost you the opportunity.

Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors

Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors reflect badly on you. They show your insincerity towards your job hunt and the most important document of your career. Read your CV well after you are done writing it. Maybe ask some of your friends to read it before you start sending it out.

Faking it
Do not lie about your experience or qualifications. If these things are caught at a later stage, they will cost you the job.

Using jargon and abbreviations

CVs are screened by people from the HR department who might not know the abbreviations and jargon used in every industry. Try to avoid using jargon and abbreviations in your CV as far as possible, if the HR personnel do not understand the terms, you might miss an interview call.

Irrelevant details
Including details like your father's name, sex, expected salary, passport number will occupy space without adding much value to your candidature. Provide them only when asked or if the position demands.